What time is it better to go to rest in Fussen?


Fussen is a cozy, calm town, skillfully protecting his original attractiveness. The local area is distinguished by an invigorating soft climate and beautiful lake landscapes. And thanks to the healing sources and successful location at the foot of the Algoi Alps, this small settlement is deservedly considered one of the best health resorts in Germany. In the Fussen and the surrounding area there are several known waterproofs practicing the Kneipp technique. For a specific category of tourists, this means that a pleasant pastime in an interesting city can easily be combined with a suitable course of therapeutic procedures. As for the admirers of the active type of rest and a healthy lifestyle, their Füssen will delight them and will even surprise them at any time of the year. After all, rest here is good both in the winter and summer.

Summer holiday in Fussen

In the summer, the resort turns into a great place for measured hiking, long trips on bicycles, peaceful admissions with picturesque landscapes presented by mountains and lakes. The fleece river Lech and many small and large lakes turn Fuussen and the surrounding area into a real paradise for fans of water types of entertainment. Skillful travelers can make a sailing sport here, and newbies will be interested in a fascinating walk through the artificial lake Furgegensee, and someone will enjoy the opportunity to banally soar in the sun on one of the river or lake coast.

What time is it better to go to rest in Fussen? 19234_1

A nice summer holiday in Füssen contributes to non-fit weather. The columns of local thermometers during the daytime rarely rise above the mark of +25 degrees. So lovers of foot walks will not prevent the exhausting heat to make the passage of one of the three-level routes laid through the outskirts of Fuussen and the ending distance of the gossip. However, in a clear summer day, absolutely any of the guests of the resort can simply quietly stroll along the turquoise river Lech or go for the conquest of the vertices of the Algoi Alps. However, I would not advise myself to study the mountainous area. Mountains are still serious, to get acquainted with them to prepare.

Autumn in Fussen

With the onset of autumn Fussen turns into a bright multicolored resort. During walks around the city, shrubs and trees of all sorts of colors will come across the city to the eyes of tourists. Moreover, local residents will prudently replace the flower compositions placed on all the streets and squares onto colorful autumn. And on the original painted urban facades, white, yellow and burgundy chrysanthemums in flower panels and pots will appear. Even changing the autumn weather will not spoil tourists a pleasant impression of acquaintance with the high castle and the rest of the architectural monuments of the city. In the middle autumn, the daily temperature is held within + 12- + 25 degrees and only at night the air is cooled to +8 degrees.

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During the day, the weather can repeatedly change - from an unpleasant frosting morning rain to a sunny warm day, which is replaced by a cold cloudy evening. At the time of this season, Fuussen becomes low. And only German tourists of old age do not frighten the autumn weather. They come to Fussen to distract from the urban fuss and enjoy calm and, if you are lucky, warm recreation.

Winter holidays in Fussen

In winter, Füssen revives again. It is transformed from the center of summer water entertainment in a snowy ski resort. Here throughout the cold period, tourists will be able to have fun on the tracks for professionals or beginners. Moderate winter weather will not force guests Fuussen to freeze, but at the same time it will assume that snow cover does not melt ahead of time. On average, daytime temperatures in the winter months is held at -5 degrees and is rarely lowered below.

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Even the "lazy" tourists will find something in the Fussen in the winter. Only for one admissance by the snow vertices of the Alps and amazingly beautiful forest in the winter fog, you can give a lot. But if desired, tourists will be able to go into a small journey to the nearby village of Schwangau, where it will be possible to warm up in warm basins with natural mineral water or in the saunas of the Royal Terms. It does not prevent the winter season and inspection of Fussen sights. The monastery of St. Magnus, the castle and the wonderfully decorated churches of the city are open for visiting all year round. The only thing that can be slightly embarrassed by tourists in the Winter Fussen - a non-standard schedule of public catering institutions. With the onset of colds, the resort restaurants go to understandable only to their owners and citizens working mode. They work from 10:00 to 12:00 and again begin to feed the hungry travelers after 17:00. Well, at least a coffee shop in the city center is not closed during the day.

So Fussen is beautiful at any time of the year. As for the financial side of the issue, the cheapest season is autumn, and the cost of winter or summer holidays here will be approximately the same.

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