Best time to relax in Ulan-Ude


True travel connoisseur will enrich his travel diary not only by overseas wonder. The Russian land is surprisingly rich in them, no wonder the tourist flow from abroad to our edges does not scare over the years. Moreover, not only the famous "Golden Ring" entails. In Buryatia, which even many Russians consider almost a 24-hour north, resting the amazing sea, unique, the only one on the entire planet - Baikal, called more often by the lake. And literally in a hundred kilometers from him there is a city with a three hundred years of history: Ulan-Ude.

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It is worth come here for many reasons. It is difficult to find another same multinational city as Ulan-Ude: In addition to the Buryats themselves, Russians, Tatars, Poles, Armenians, Chinese, Jews and many other nationalities lived here. However, this is quite explained if we remember that Ulan-Ude has always remained a shopping center of its region - Mongolia, China, East Siberia. Such are the convenience of geography. By the beginning of the 20th century, the city became also a cultural, administrative, military and commercial and industrial center. Until 2010, he entered the Russian list of historical cities , To this day, there are more fifty monuments of history under the protection of the state, about 180 monuments of architecture and urban planning, three - monumental art and one archaeological. View in the city there is something, say, Only the ethnographic Museum of the Peoples of Transbaikalia is worth - by the way, the largest open-air museum in our country . In the Museum of the History of Buryatia, the famous Buddhist collection of cult objects has a special place. In short, the trip to Ulan-Ude will not call in vain spending time. That's just a resident of the middle or southern strip of Russia does not interfere with the correctly choose for this time of year.

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Climate belt in which Ulan-Ude is located, moderate, however, the climate is a sharp continental . This means that the weather is changing fairly and very sharply. Summer indicators can reach +40, and in the winter there are real Siberian frosts: -40 ..- 45. But in the Middle Town Summer Month, July remains with the familiar local residents of about +20 .. + 23. Despite the pronounced "northern" character, Ulan-Ude can boast and pleasant moments: the winter is dry, snowy, beautiful and - without slush, and in the warm season, the pudges dried very quickly. Another weighty climatic plus: in terms of the number of common sunshine, the city is actually equal to such a southern resort as Anapa. The most "wet" is usually August, high humidity is quite high - in November-January. Thus, the traveler here will be good depending on what it prefers more - a dry snowy winter or a relatively warm summer and, of course, the time of the tour will depend on the goal of the trip.

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