What are the interesting places worth a visit to Evpatoria?


About Evpatoria It is customary to say that this is a wellness resort, a pleasant climate, sandy beaches, but not more. It seems that there is particularly nothing to see there, lie by the sea or go to the procedures into numerous sanatoriums and mud.

But in fact, Evpatoria is not at all a boring town-sanitary-health, and the lives of different religions and cultures - with museums of different nationalities, with the cries of Muslim Heads and the towers of minarets, extending spiers in the sky, an old acting mosque and synagogues, with Orthodox churches and Karai Kenasami. No wonder the tourist route along the old part of the city due to the mixing of religions, cultures and traditions is called "Small Jerusalem." Medieval streets (Evpatoria - really an ancient city - she is 25 centuries!), Monuments, cult facilities of various denominations. Old buildings of the city are stored by the memory of the centuries.

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You can start to look at the "Small Jerusalem" from the ancient Gezlevian gate. Gezlev - so called Evpatoria earlier, it was a major city, which even planned to make the capital of Crimean Khanate. To this day, the entrance to the city is preserved here, which is called the Gate of the Wood Bazaar.

The former monastery of the Sufi Order of the Muslim monks is the "teaching of the dervish" - consists of the abode of the debris of the 15th century, the ancient minaret Schokurullah Jami and the Crimean Museum in a tea house. The temple is a place for meditation and "dancing" of monks. It is worth listening to music and look at the dance of the dervish. Amazing spectacle!

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Mosque Khan Jami, merchant and craft synagogue, restored synagogue of Egypt Kapai, Museum-cafe "Yozikin Cat", where you can try Olivier in Jewish, Ilinskaya Church, Armenian Church of Surb Nikogayos, St. Nicholas Cathedral on the Embankment, on the facade of which three types are depicted Crosses: Greek, Georgievsky and Orthodox. That's what a variety and mixing of nationalities, nations, religions!

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Evpatoria is considered the capital of the caraims, because it is here that their shrines are located - Malaya and Cathedral Kenasy, Semen Solomonovich Bobovich lived here - their spiritual leader, here and now more than two hundred Crimean caraims live.

Walking along the quiet streets of Evpatoria, even aimlessly, you can still get into some landmark. After all, some museums in the city 15!

The local history museum, open in 1921, there are more than 80,000 units of exhibits, among which the rich collections of the ancient Greek and Scythian monuments, numismatics, weapons. The museum's exposition works daily, except for the medium, from 10.00 to 16.30. There is a museum on Duvanovskaya Street, 11, and his branch on Gagarin 16.

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Probably, the guests of the city will be interested to visit the Museum of World Sculpture and Applied Arts in the open-air in the territory of the Morport Evpatoria, in a silk square. The museum has been working from 10.00 to 20.00.

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The unusual museum, reflecting the tragic history, "Museum of Heroes of Chernobyl" Star Straw "in the surge of the heroes of Chernobyl. The museum is open on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10.00 to 16.00.

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Museum, to visit which will be interested in those who attract the history of wars. The Museum of the History of the Crimean War on the street revolution, 61, works all days, except for the environment and Saturday from 10.00 to 16.30.

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Also in Evpatoria, on the street revolution, D.56, daily from 11 am to 18 o'clock, except Monday, running the Black Sea Pirates Museum.

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The Museum "House of Wine" in the center of Evpatoria will present you an exhibition dedicated to the history of winemaking in the Crimea. All wines that are presented are genuine. Here you can see the ancient Greek finds associated with the culture and use of wine. And, of course, traditional tasting!

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The original Museum of Post and the Museum-Pharmacy in Evpatoria is considered unique, no more similar to them in the Crimea.

Museum of mail in the old quarters of the city, on the street of Kara, 2 talks about the development of postal service in Ukraine, in the Crimea, in Evpatoria.

The Museum "Old Sea Pharmacy" works from Monday to Saturday from 8.00 to 21.00, and Sunday from 8.00 to 17.00.

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You can visit the dilapidated, but unique complex "Turkish baths", built in the 16th century!

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And, of course, in Evpatoria, beautiful theaters! And there are really many of them for the resort town. Pushkin Theater and Puppet Theater "Puppet", Wolfram Fire Theater and the Theater of the Peoples of the Peoples of the World, Unusual Theater on Stilments, Living Sculpture Theater and Gender Interactive Theater.

It is worth paying attention to an absolutely amazing children's theater in Evpatoria, which is called the "Golden Key". This is not just the theater, it is an international children's center-complex, which includes theatrical studios for children of different ages, club of marine professions, various mugs for interests and artistic and craft workshops. This is a unique place at Barteneva, house1-5. And there really is worth going and adults and children!

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Here, on the basis of the center, the Actual Art Gallery "Theharasho" and the Interactive Museum of the Clown House, which offers performances and excursions, master classes for children. In the "clown house" there is a children's club for kids, where you can leave your child with careless babysitters for a while.

Every year from July 1 to July 7, for more than 20 years, the theater has been holding the International Festival "Earth. Theater. Children", on which theatrical teams from around the world come!

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And these days are not only a playground in front of the "golden key", but the whole city turns into one big scene, in a single cheerful, multicolored carnival, with a festive procession, performing artists, singers, dancers, fireworks and parades of stars. This unforgettable spectacle, in my opinion, is an Epospory business card. Now this festival is just running around and I just returned from there, I traveled specially to see the performances, join the universal holiday of art and real international friendship!

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Festival "Earth. Theater. Children" and the Theater "Golden Key" is far from the only thing that can attract tourists who came to rest with children. Right in the center, on the waterfront there is a fabulous city "Aqualend at Lukomorya", and if you at least once will go there, you will not have a question than to take a child but rest. Here, as a whole, the children's town, which guards the head of Pushkin's hero, is not just a slide, but a whole interactive zone for games, where children are all the time under the supervision of animators. You are waiting for a slide and aquatic rides snakes Gorynych, the tail of Gorynych, Tsarevna Swan, the Bogatyr Gorka, Storm, the throne of Guidon. From 10.00 to 18.00 adult ticket costs 1,100 rubles, children's - 800 rubles. From 14.00 to 18.00 the cost of an adult ticket is 950 rubles, children's - 650 rubles. Children with growth up to 1 meter pass free.

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And on the road from the city of children and parents, the water park "Banana Republic" with slides, rides, cascading pools, geysers, waterfalls! There is parking, restaurants, cafes, tennis court. Entrance to the water park for adults from 10-00 to 19-00 1400 rubles, from 13-00 to 19-00 - 1300 rubles, from 15-00 to 19-00 - 1200 rubles. The entrance for children from 10-00 to 19-00 -1000 rubles, from 13-00 to 19-00 - 900 rubles, from 15-00 to 19-00 - 800 rubles. Children with growth up to 90 cm - pass to the "banana republic" for free.

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For those who love sightseeing excursions, you can order an urban tour of the city, and the excursions have cars and pedestrian and tram!

What are the interesting places worth a visit to Evpatoria? 19095_17

Fans of cinema will be interested in walking around the places where the famous films "I met somewhere", "walking on the flour", "It was by the sea", "change".

In general, in Evpatoria you can walk, watch, study, learn and never get bored or adults or children!

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