Transport in Sicily



Railway transportation on Sicily Island under control of the National Railway Company Ferrovie Dello Stato. Basically, for most of the territory of Sicily, the paths are laid on the European standard (that is, the width of the rut is 1, 435 meters). However, there is a "island and a narrow scene - it is called" Ferrovia Circumetnea "(this name is translated as" railway road around ethna "). There is a width of the rut - 0.95 meters.

Rail transport - a completely logical way to get to Sicily with a mainland country. Here Organized regular communication between the island and cities such as Rome and Naples . In addition, there is another option to take advantage of a special night train - there are sleeping wagons in it; So you will save time on the road. By the way, the cost of crossing the wagons through the Messinsky Strait is included in the ticket price. By time, she (crossing) takes approximately thirty-five minutes.

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At the trains on Sicily itself, you can move in the following areas: from Messina to Palermo, from Messina through Syracuse, from Palermo to Agrigento, from Palermo to Falcon Borsellino Airport, from Palermo (Pyrameto) in Trapani, from Alcamo to Trapani, from Catania In Agrigento, from Catania in Jelu, from Syracuse to Caltanissetta and Agrigento to Caltanissetta.

Official data on the schedule of departure of trains and the cost of travel can be seen on the site . There is information about rail transportation throughout Italy, including Sicily Island.

Tickets you can purchase in vocational cash desks right before departing the train. These prices differ depending on the direction, the train type and the type of ticket. The cheapest are those in which there are no places And the most expensive (and often their cost is higher than the price of a ticket for the aircraft) - in sleeping cars.

IMPORTANT: Tickets need to be composting before boarding the train . Platforms featured special yellow composters.


Still, it is better to travel in Sicily on the bus. Railway tracks built along the coast, so it turns out that wishing to get from the point "A" to the item "B" in Sicily will have to make a hefty hook. What you can not say about the traveler who has chosen the bus transport or car rental option - in these cases It turns out to take a lot faster, straight.

Bus message system allows passengers quick and cheap getting into any part of the island . In addition to long-distance transport, in cities there are ordinary municipal buses. Intercity buses are blue, white and red, and urban painted in orange.

Municipal routes are headed by the company-carrier "AST" (here is its official website: ). The ticket is purchased in the kiosk with the press or in the office of the transport office. Term of the passage - two hours; As in the above-described situation with train tickets, Bus travel also required to compost When landing in transport. The device is located next to the first door (near the driver). For overdue and non-reported tickets may finf. The amount of the fine is from fifty euros and higher.

The main carriers on intercity directions are AST, Etna, Interbus and S.I.S..

A long-distance bus ticket can be bought in the newsstand, the office of the company-carrier or directly on the bus - at Shofera. Long-distance bus station is usually located near the railway stations. Often, bus routes in Sicily are run through Palermo and Catania airports.

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From Naples on Sicily, you can reach the regular bus service - the transport goes around the clock. At the same time buses, sometimes depart from any other cities of mainland Italy, but in any case, along the way they are visited in Naples. The bus tickets from Naples to Sicily, will be significantly lower than on the ferry , and in comparison with the travel by train, the bus turns out to be a time gain (because the procedure for loading cars on the ferry and unloading them in Sicily takes some time, but it does not concern buses - they are closer to the ferry independently). During the intersection of the Messinsky Strait on the ferry, you can get out of the bus and rejoice in sea scenery. The crossing of the Strait takes fifteen to twenty minutes. The price for ferry travel is automatically included in the ticket price.


Before you go to Voyage in Sicily on your own or rented car, you should know something about local roads and rules for using them. They are here Free and paid . The latter are often shorter, and moving on them more comfortable than on free. The cost of using expensive depends on the length of the route. Available Movement Restrictions : For highways, it is 130 km per hour, for the main roads (such as Strada Statale, SS№) - 110 km per hour, for other long-distance - 90, and for settlements it has been established within 50 km per hour.

Permissible 0.8 blood alcohol pole . In case of violations - in the sense of drunk driving - Drivers may suffer materially, paying Considerable fine , as well as Risk to go for the grille . If you see on the road Zona Di Silenzio sign , Know - here it is forbidden to signal. Poster the car in the wrong place - and they are evacuated on the penalty.

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Still need to know that local Gas stations work only up to seven o'clock in the evening ; Also remember the holy observed "Sieste", which lasts two-three hours. Besides, AZS may not work on Sunday . At refueling where there is Sign "Self-Service" You can fix your auto yourself. Special machines are installed there: you insert bills in them and get a certain amount of fuel. Such devices usually do not give out, so you will have to stock up in advance. As for the high-speed trails, then the gas stations work around the clock.

Bon Voyage!

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