Rest on Aruba: Useful Information


The island of Aruba is considered to be one of the best resorts in the entire Caribbean. On a small piece of sushi by nature and man, ideal conditions are created for different recreation categories. The northeastern part of the island will have to simulate tourists, preferring classes by diving and sailing sports. But the south-west coast of Aruba will delight with their amazing beaches with a soft and white sand of beach relaxing and swimming on the surface of the water.

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From year to year, Aruba's popularity among travelers who choose warmth of the country are growing more and more. And, nevertheless, the sunny and friendly island, like any other resort of the world, has its little secrets, whose knowledge, together with the idea of ​​the traditions and national peculiarities of Aruba, will make long-awaited rest cloudless and memorable.

Climate Islands

Almost all 365 days a year on the island holds warm weather. There is no pronounced seasonality here, and the difference between day and night air temperature is some 3-4 ° C. All year round in the daytime, the air on the island is heated to + 26-29 ° C, while the water temperature is +24 ° C. As for precipitation, they resemble short-term livne in nature, which fall for the period from November to December.

The big advantage of the island of Aruba is its location outside the hurricane zone, which are quite often happening on the remaining Islands of the Caribbean Sea, and the presence of permanent trade winds, cooling air and facilitating the transfer of day heat.

Language and culture

On the island there are two official languages ​​- Dutch and Paintamerto. However, most of the streets in addition to their relatives know more than two languages ​​- English and Spanish. In the tourist corners of the island of staff all hotels and restaurants, taxi drivers and merchants are freely expressing in English. And, in general, everyone smiles on Aruba and greet each other, even though people are completely unfamiliar. Locals are good and friendly to all guests of the island. At any time they are ready to come to the rescue and give a good advice. And all their words and deeds go "from the soul." The aborganic people are unusual for narrowness and false. Greetings and friendliness in their blood. However, the local population has one characteristic feature of behavior that causes irritation in many tourists - Lubility . Murderly calm streets, everyone makes enough monotonously, you can even say with tropical Lenza. At the same time, to customize them absolutely meaningless. The easiest way to accept and wait for you to be served in a particular restaurant or will be brought to a taxi destination.

And the only situation when tourists can see the exact opposite side of the nature of the revolt - this is the period of the national parades, traditional carnivals and enchanting mascaras. At this time, local residents are calm by nature turn in tricky and violent, in the pleasant sense of the word, participants in the celebration. And they not only themselves immerse themselves with their heads into multi-consuming fun, but they are imperceptibly retracting in it all tourists and holidaymakers.

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It will be possible to feel all this fun and evaluate the features of the national flavor during the February visit to Aruba. It was at this time that the main street carnival of the year passes on the island. This is where tourists will use bright outfits. The rest of the time, rest on the island does not require compliance with a certain dress code. Vacationers can wear free and unobtrusive clothes, no restrictions. However, as for me, the shorts and T-shirt are the most optimal option for recreation.

Money and tips on Aruba

The official currency of the island is Florin, which is divided into 100 cents. In everyday life there are coins with a par with one floral and in 5.10.50 cents.

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In this case, American dollars are accepted everywhere . The course, according to which the island stores recalculate the cost of the goods, is 1.75-1.80 forints per dollar. You can exchange currency at any time in bank departments that work from Monday to Friday: from 8:00 to 16:00. Some banks have a lunch break from 12:00 to 13:30.

As for credit cards, they are accepted for payment in all stores, hotels and casinos of the island. Remove cash from a bank card Tourists can with the help of ATMs of RBTT Bank, Bank Di Caribbean, Bank Aruba and Caribbean Commodity Bank. All these financial institutions serve maps with MasterCard and Visa logo. Remove the cash is possible in local currency or US dollars.

Find the branch of Bank Di Caribe vacationers can be on Vondellaan Street, 31, and at the address: Camacuri Street, 12 works the main branch of Aruba Bank.

Concerning tip , In many institutions of the resort, they usually automatically be included in the account. Otherwise, tourists can thank for good service, adding 10-15% from above to the check amount. But the taxi drivers leave the tips on Aruba not accepted. The driver can ask for an extra charge for bulk luggage. And this moment should be specified before landing in the car. Otherwise, the execution of such a request remains at the discretion of the tourist.

Transportation Islands

The most economical option of movement over the island is Public bus . A sufficient number of machines run 12 routes connecting hotels, beaches and the center of the island. To travel on the bus tourists, you must purchase a card at which you can ride in different directions. So, for travel one way to the card, you will need to put 2 dollars, which when boarding the bus will be removed from it through a special device installed near the driver. Baby Beach Beach Beach and back will cost 8 dollars. In order to save, tourists can buy a 10 dollars card, which allows an unlimited number of times during the day.

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In case of extreme need for movement on the island, you can use the services Taxi . The main thing is to consider that counters are not installed in the machines, and drivers, regardless of the distance, take a fixed minimum board with passengers. It is about 7 dollars. Some taxi drivers work on the principle of hourly payment. For their services, they take from 45 dollars per hour. All nuances relating to the cost of traveling resting should be discussed before boarding the car. One can say exactly - taxi services on Aruba expensive.

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