The most interesting places in Ohrid.


Ohrid by the standards of Macedonia is considered a fairly well-known tourist center. And, despite the fact that his sizes are not so great, the main mass of the country's guests comes to see exactly the landmarks. And it is not surprising. After all, in Ohrid, a lot of Orthodox churches and monasteries were preserved, erected in the XI-XIV century. And in order for them to inspect everything far from one day. But this amazing city is rich not only for religious monuments. The main attraction of Ohrid is the lake.

Natural attractions of Ohrida

Ohrid Lake - an amazing natural masterpiece introduced into the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is divided among themselves Albania and Macedonia. The uniqueness of the lake is not only in its picturesque beauty, but also that it is considered the most ancient and deep lake in the Balkans. Local residents are very careful about this natural object. The coastal zone is always clean. Even in the summer, when Ohrid is filled with tourists on the embankment and the boat, garbage and traces of disrespectful attitude towards nature are not found. In the summer, tourists and townspeople are happy to bathe in clean and transparent water of the lake. And enterprising Ohrids arrange water excursions for guests on boats and boats.

In addition to the lake, Ohrid is another natural attraction Huge tree . It is located at the intersection of the streets of the Clement Ohrid and Gotse Delchev. According to local residents, the tree has more than a thousand years. Accurate information about this representative Flora is indicated on the set tablet set. She says that in height, the tree reaches 18 meters and it is 1100 years old. The chinar diameter is 18.80 meters. Thus, the giant clap can except the big company. Confirms the age of the tree and the condition of its barrel - the iron sheets fastened over time.

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And yet the surviving remains of the chinara cause admiration. For its condition, local environmental supervision is strictly followed. It probably prolongs the life of a thousand-year-old handsome.

Architectural and Religious Monuments Ohrid

The location of the accumulation of amazing monuments is the old district of the city. He himself amazes in his own beauty. The ancient quarter consists of narrow streets, cobbled bridge and houses with red tiles. This area of ​​the city over the centuries alternately settled the Greeks, Romans and Turks. Each people left behind some monuments. Some of them have been preserved to this day.

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One of these monuments is amphitheater . It is believed that he was constructed about two thousand years ago. For some audience, the theater was now difficult to determine. The fact is that the ancient monument is partially destroyed. And yet in the summer, concerts are arranged in it, and the Ohrid Summer festival is held. Due to the successful location between two hills and the form of construction in the theater, good acoustics are created. You can admire this place on any day.

Near the theater is located Church of the Holy Pilot Ohrid . This monastery was built in 1295 by order of the Byzantine commander of the Zigra rank. During the redistribution of the Church of St. Sophia in the mosque, the church of the Celebre Ohridskaya performed the functions of the main Cathedral Church of the Ohrid ArchoPrequis. Now there are mostly tourists here in order to look at unusual architectural performance and wall painting, adorning the interior of the church.

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The courtyard of the church offers a beautiful view of the theater and Samuel fortress. The entrance to this place is paid and is 100 denar.

The center of the ancient quarter can be called the Square of the Old Bazaar. Its main decoration is the fountain and the very oldest tree of Macedonia. It is always noisy and lively here. Tourists here attract numerous souvenir shops and a rowed grocery market.

Walking on the old town, tourists will find many more small churches and chapels. Among them will be the temple of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - not a particularly interesting place, the Church of the Holy Mother of God, Chelyan, is a wonderful place with a picturesque view of the city. And, one way or another, tourists will get to the most significant monuments of Ohrid. One of which is located in an amazing place on a high rock. This is the main landmark and the symbol of the old Ohrid - Church of St. John the Bogoslov on Kaneo . It offers a fantastic view of the lake, but by the city itself, the temple itself is not visible. This secluded place is hidden from a curious eye.

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Built the temple was at the end of the XIII century. And despite the small size, it is of great interest with its design, combining Byzantine and Armenian elements. Looking inside the church, tourists will be able to admire the preserved frescoes that decorate the altar and dome space. They date back to the XIII century and there are significant damage. For inspection of the temple, it will be necessary to make a fee in the amount of 100 Denar.

Having admired the temple and the surrounding panorama, tourists can go to search Placnik - Significant for the Slavic culture of the monument. It is located near Samuel's tver and is the place of archaeological excavations with the restored Church of the Holy Clement and Panteleimon and the ruins of the first Slavic University. Despite the fact that archaeological excavations are actively conducted in the plate, tourists here can visit the church in which the Holy Clement worked on the creation of Cyrillic. The entrance to the church will require a contribution of 100 Denar.

The next attraction that deserves the attention of tourists will be The fortress of the king Samuel , and to be accurate, then the remains of the fortress towering over the city. From the once significant residence of the Bulgarian king Samuel, only partially recovered walls remained. It is for them for 30 denar and a walk to tourists. Thick 16 meter walls stretch 3 kilometers. With them there is a wonderful review of the lake and the city. Walk through the fortress walls will definitely impress.

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And finally, one of the most significant medieval buildings Ohrid - Church of Saint Sophia . It is located in the heart of the old town on the street Kar Samoe. This amazing structure was built in the period from 1037 to 1054. The peculiarity of the church is that during the reign of the Ottoman Empire inside her the mosque was arranged. Since those times, Mambar remained in the church, from which Muslim sermons were read.

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Now inside the church is a gallery in which tourists can admire the samples of the Byzantine and medieval Macedonian art. The church is kept restored frescoes written in the XI-XIV centuries. This place is unique. Photographing inside the Church of St. Sophia is prohibited. Entrance, as in most churches of the city, paid.

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