What is interesting to see Nazaret?


Nazareth is a city in the north of Israel, it is a sacred city for all Christians, in its significance I give up only Jerusalem and Bethleos.

According to the Gospel, it was in Nazaret that the childhood and youth of Jesus Christ took place.

It is not surprising that most of the monuments of Nazareth are various churches or other holy places. As a rule, the city is visited by believers or those who, for any reason, would like to get closer to the Christian religion.

If you are interested in this topic, then you will undoubtedly be what to see in Nazareth.

So, let's begin.

Temple of Annunciation

This is the largest temple on the Middle East, which can be seen when you have not entered the city itself. This is a Catholic Church, which stands on the place where, according to legend, the Annunciation of the Virgin. She belongs to the Order of Franciscans.

That church building, which we can see now, is located on the place where the ancient church was previously stood, and it was built in the middle of the 20th century.

On the central doors depicted scenes from the life of Mary, depicting the most important events from her life.

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Helpful information

In the summer (from April to September), the temple can be visited from 8 am to 11:45 and from 14:00 to 18:00. In winter (from October to March), you can get there from 8 am to 11:45 and from 14:00 to 17:00.

The temple is closed for visitors during the Christian holidays - from January 1 to January 6, March 19, March 25, June 29, October 4, December 25.

If you move on Israel by car, then you will note that there are no parking near the temple, you can leave the car only on a paid parking near the road to the temple.

You can take pictures, but not everywhere (you will be celebrated about it signs).

The church can not be visited in beach or causing clothes.

Address - Terra Sancta, Kaza Nova Str., P.O.B. 23 Nazaret 16000, Israel

Phone - 972-46-572501

Church of the Annunciation (Greek Orthodox Church of the Archangel Gabriel)

This church is built on the place where, according to the apocryphal gospel, Maria went for the water and where she received an appeal (that is, the news of the early birth of Her Jesus Christ).

At this place there were already several temples, the first of which was founded by the same time when the Emperor Konstantin was ruled there. Later the church was destroyed.

The modern building was built in the 18th century. In the depths of the temple there is a source of the Virgin. There you can admire the carved iconostasis of oak, which was later gilded. In the temple there are several icons that are worshiped by Christians.

The temple belongs to the Greek Patriarchate.

In the depths of the church there is an underground crypt in which there is a well with a source. From it you can drink holy water.

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Helpful information

Entrance to the temple is free.

In the period from April to September, visit the temple from 8:30 to 11:45 and from 14:00 to 18:00. On Sunday, you can get there from 8 am to 15 pm.

In the period from October to March to the temple, you can get from 8:30 to 11:45 and from 14:00 to 17:00, and on Sundays from 14:00 to 17:00.

In the days when Christian holidays are held, it is impossible to get into the temple.

Not far from the temple there is parking (paid), toilet and numerous shops in which you can buy food and water.

Phone - 972-46-567349; 972-46-572133

White mosque

Not only Christians live in Nazareth, but also a significant number of Muslims, so in addition to Christian monuments there are also a mosque.

The most famous of them is a white mosque, called so sheich Abdullah, who wanted to make a mosque with a symbol of purity and light.

This is the oldest mosque in the city, it is located in the center of the old market.

It was built in the 19th century, and her founder's grave, Sheikh Abdullah is in the courtyard. Today, the mosque is governed by his descendants.

Mosque attend believers, especially many of them going to Fridayful prayer. There is also a museum that tells about the history of Nazareth.

You can not go to all the mosques, but you can visit a white mosque. Dress up, of course, it is as modest as possible.

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National and Archaeological Park Sepforis (Tsipory)

Sepforis or Cipori is the ancient capital of Galilee, which is just a few kilometers from Nazareth. Nowadays there is an archaeological and national park, representing a huge cultural value.

The settlement on the park existed even before our era and was already the center of Galilee.

In the 20th century, archaeological excavations began at this site, and later this place was the status of the National Park, which is under the protection of the state.

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The following monuments were excavated there:

  • Residential quarter, which was built before our era, in which low residential buildings were located
  • Roman villa, relating to the beginning of our era, decorated with magnificent mosaics
  • Break caves
  • Fortress Crusaders
  • Theater belonging to the Roman period. It was designed for several thousand people, and semicircular rows for the audience form an amphitheater
  • Street network with sidewalks
  • House "Nila" - a big house whose floors consisted of a mosaic, the most beautiful of which depicts the festivation on the Nile
  • Water supply system in which water was delivered to the city

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Excavations on this territory continue to this day, and the part where they are already over, is open to visiting.

Helpful information

You can visit the National Park from 8 am to 17 pm (in the winter it closes an hour earlier).

The entrance is paid, for adult entrance ticket will cost 23 Shekel, for children and pensioners, a discount is provided - 12 shekels.

You can get to the park on the highway number 79, from which you need to turn on the road number 7925 by signifier National Park Cypori.

The park has a parking lot for cars, a restaurant where you can have a snack, as well as picnic tables, if you captured me with you.

The park is equipped for people with disabilities, so they will also be able to visit this an ancient place.

Thus, it is worth noting that most of the attractions of Nazareth himself are closely connected with religion (especially with Christianity), which is not surprising. If this topic is interesting to you and close or you are a believer, Nazareth is the place that you would be interested to visit.

And finally, for lovers of archeology and antiquities - very close to Nazareth - Sepforis Park (Tsipori).

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