What should I see in Elunda?


Elunda is the famous Cretan resort, which is located in the east of the island. Directly in the Elunda, attractions are not so much, but they are in her nearest surroundings.


I will start, perhaps, with the nearest places closest to Elunda.

Spinalong is an island located near Elunda and, accordingly, from the coast of Crete. The main attraction of the island is the fortress built in the 16th century by the Venetians who wanted to control the entrance to the bay.

A fact that can scare some tourists - in the 20th century, or rather from 1903 to 1955, the lepers lived on the island (that is, there was leprosarium there). Alas, the conditions in which the sick people lived, it is difficult to call normally, so in the history of the island, unfortunately, this sad page is present. Be that as it may, leprosarium was closed in the middle of the 20th century. Some tourists scares this fact as they are afraid to get sick. According to doctors, the ride on the island can not represent any danger to tourists, the probability of sick is zero, so that there is absolutely nothing to fear.

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What to look at the island

The main attraction is the island is an old fortress, the walls of which are well preserved to the present day. By the way, the entrance to the fortress is paid - about two euros per person. Tourists can also inspect the Church in the territory of the island. In addition, spinelong from the observation deck offers a magnificent view of the sea and surroundings, there you can make excellent photos of the landscapes around you.

How to get

From the port of Elundy to Spinelongs regularly (every 15 - 30 minutes), small ships are departed, the island is located quite close to the coast, so the trip does not take much time. The trip is inexpensive - no more than 10-20 euros per person.

Features of the trip to the island

Spinelong has some features that are better to know in advance - firstly, it is impossible to swim there. Secondly, there are no stores on the island itself, no cafes, nor restaurants, so be sure to capture water with you and (if necessary) food. According to testimony of tourists, a small snack bar can work on the pier, but prices there are high enough (because there is no alternative). Thirdly, from the Sun there is almost no place to hide - so do not forget about hats. And finally, fourthly, for the inspection of the fortress, it is better to take care of comfortable shoes in advance - after all, to walk in open sandals or heels can be complicated.

Milatos Cave

In Crete, there is a number of interesting for visiting the caves, but the article will talk about the cave that is located close to Elunda. This is a cave Milatos, located next to the village of the same name.

It can be seen in it stalactites and stalagmites, as well as the church, which is located right in the cave. This church was arranged in memory of Greek residents who took place in the caves and killed by the Turkish governor Hasan - Pasha in the 19th century.

The cave is quite long, its length is more than two kilometers, and it itself consists of several halls that are separated by columns.

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How to get

Getting to the cave is easiest on the rented car.

Church Panagia Cera

One of the holy places for believers is the Church of Panagia Kera, in which the legend is kept icon with miraculous properties.

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What to see

The church itself is a sample of ancient architecture, it was built even at 12 (according to other information at 13).

Inside the inner painting is preserved - Byzantine murals depicting the saints and the virgin Mary. The frescoes are preserved, but they suffered badly from time to time - somewhere the image can be discerning without difficulty, somewhere no. The church is not a valid, this is a museum. The church building itself is a monument of the Byzantine architecture, which has come down to us through the century, it is very different from churches built later, frankly, I generally visited such a church.

How to get

First, you can take a rented car to the church, and secondly, by bus. Agios -Nicolaos is neighboring with an elunda town, you first need to get to it, and then from it by bus to the village of Critis (for a long time, not more than 10-15 minutes), and there will be a little walk (the distance is near a kilometer) .

Useful information for tourists

The entrance to the church is paid, it works only until the middle of the day, in the afternoon it does not get into it. In the church it is forbidden to take pictures, though some tourists bypass this ban, so there are a number of photos of the interior of the church made by tourists.

In the village, in which the church is located, there are a couple of small shops and a cafe, so you can buy water there and everything you need.

Monastery Areti

Next to the village of Karidi is one of the most famous monasteries of the entire Island - the monastery of the Holy Trinity of Areti.

It was founded in the 17th century and was a cultural and educational center, it contained an extensive library. Later, in the 19th century the monastery came to the launch, in the early 20th century was even abolished, but his revival began several decades ago. Now he is valid.

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What to see

Actually, you can see the monastery itself, olive trees and pastures surrounding it. In general, the monastery is very quiet and rustic, so perhaps you can even see the flock of sheep, walking next to the monastery and enjoy the atmosphere of silence and tranquility reigning in this place.

How to get

The monastery is most convenient to get to the rented car.

Thus, it can be concluded that in the most Elunda attractions a little, but in its surroundings they are in excess. It is also worth noting that many attractions are directly connected with religion - these are monasteries, which in Crete a great many, and caves, in some of which are located temples. If you are a believer or you just close the topic of religion, Cretan monasteries will surely interest you. If monasteries and churches do not attract you, then you should turn your attention to the ancient monuments of the island - for example, on the ruins of old cities.

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