Features of rest in Ngapali


Ngapali is a beach resort in the north-west of Myanmar. What is famous for the town? Of course, with its beaches: three-kilometer, clean, deserted, bordered coconut palm trees. And also - with his challenged beauty by nature and the lack of a crowd of tourists. Probably, Ngapali Beach is one of the most beautiful places in Myanmar, a sort of paradise piece in not too paradise Myanmar. Someone says that the village was so named after Italian Naples in the Italian Motherland. Doubtful bike, of course, but why this is the name of this village, I can not say either, sorry.

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You can get to Ngapali on an airplane from Yangon (usually 45 minutes flight), Nyung-y or the town of Heho. The airport is only 8 kilometers from Ngapali. He is small, but its reconstruction is planned, and, as they say, soon he can take more aircraft. The new terminal building is already built. There are still regular buses from Yangon, though you have to cut 16-17 hours, it is not very, but tourists do not complain especially.

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What to do in Ngapali? Hmm, and there is little entertainment here. Actually, firstly, it is a beach vacation with a magazine in hands, swimming and sunbathing - full relaxes and peace. In principle, you can try snorkeling, but there is no special underwater world. At least not the shore. If you want to a little diversify the beach holiday, then there are three pagodas, built in the 8th century to our era, near the neighboring town of Tanduue (there is a tundue, it turns out, 9.5 km from the beach). There is not far back a golf course with 18 holes, but this is a lesson for an amateur.

But in the village you can arrange a "belly holiday". Here you will find several restaurants with seafood. They, however, are a bit, but they all specialize in seafood (look, for example, in the restaurant "Two Brothers", which is in front of the Amata Hotel, or in Bamboo House, or in "Moon Light" or "Smile". Do not worry, You can easily find them).

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Shopping in Ngapali no. Yes, there is a couple of benches, but absolutely nothing special. If anything, you can drive again in Tandua - there is a market where vegetables are sold and the like, souvenirs are somehow.

Nightlife, as you could already guess, there is no one in Ngapali. That is, there is nothing at all. Well, maybe in your hotel there will be a bar. And so -Tee, and everyone sleeps. But in the daytime: you can rent a bike and clake the village, the beach and the surrounding area - this is done by most tourists (and what else to do?). For tourists in local hotels, special cycling tours are organized, which include visiting nearby villages.

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The villages differ little by the atmosphere from Ngapali - there are also quiet, and the locals, as a rule, catch and dry fish and shrimp every day and they collect coconut nuts. These products are then distinguished in Yangon and throughout the country.

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You can still walk on the hills for the hotel Strand Beach Hotel - there they are especially picturesque. There you will find a small picturesque lake with blue waters, where you can fish, but do not swim. In the winter months, this lake attack migratory waterfowl - Wild ducks, chirks and others who arrive here from the north of Myanmar and not only Myanmar.

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You can slip on the beach on the pony or horses, and you can jump into a fishing boat with a motor and ride with the breeze along the coast and reefs. Some travelers try to ride a velaiks - also an interesting experience.

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By the way, in fact, Ngapali is not one such long beach, but a row of beaches, interfering with small fishing villages - from Mazin, where the airport is located, to Londa Village on Mayo's bay.

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The asphalt road goes along the coast between these two villages, passing through Ngapali, as well as a number of other villages located between the beaches and hills. By the way, the road today was expanded, from two bands up to four lanes. Here on it you can ride local buses, but the best and cheapest way is to ride a bike, as I have already written above.

Here is such a pretty village. But, by the way, he is among the number of tourists most visited by tourists, along with the mandala, Bagan, Nyonshue and Inle. But, of course, in the Bagan and Mandala of tourists, there is more - there and see what. Nevertheless, even here there are sudden tributaries of tourists, and this phenomenon causes some problems, since the infrastructure of the village is not adapted for a large number of people. But these incops will happen in a high season and very rarely (in the Bagan, more often). And yet, in the high season, tourists here are more than local residents, and sometimes it is difficult to find a room in a decent hotel (and prices in Hai Sizn, respectively, are rising). Book in advance!

By the way, hotels in Ngapali are very nice, let them not so much. There is even a five-star Hotel Hilton Ngapali Beach Resort 5 * with 50 rooms and every other convenience and a couple of other steep five.

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All hotels in Low, most offer accommodation in villas on the beach or in rooms in small buildings. Just super!

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In general, Ngapali is really a very calm place. "Away from the distraught crowd," as they say. Suitably suitable for those who live in large cities with buffering roads and eternal traffic jams. Here you, comrades, it's time to make a break, and choose not any Thailand, where tourists live on uninhabited islands, and this small resort.

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Unlike modern beaches of Asia, there are no noisy bars on the beach in Ngapali, there are no streets overcrowded by people and street merchants who cling to tourists, convincing them to buy any souvenirs. Ngapali is only a beautiful blue clean ocean, white sand and sun. The bay here is really extraordinary color - the color of the blue cobalt, and the coast without any dangerous marine animals. There are transparent and calm water here - it's not scary and a child to release in splash. Ngapali is the best place to finally read, reflect, sleep. Here you will find peace of mind, and all this - on the background of insanely beautiful landscapes.

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