Transport in Rimini.


Buses and trolley buses

In Rimini, a fairly convenient and developed public transport system. On the city you can move on buses and trolley buses. The distance between the stops is approximately four hundred meters. You can purchase a ticket in a kiosk with press or cigarettes. Travel, valid for an hour, costs 0.88 euros; 1.2 hours - 1.29 euros; Acting during the day - 2.84 euros. On the local bus you will get to any of Rimini regions. Bus number 4 comes from the city center to the north, driving through the Vierba district. The 11th bus and the 11th trolleybus are also departed from the central part of the city; They go to the southern part of the city, to the coast of Riccione, to the ultimate - "60" stop. By the way, stopping in Rimini numbered. So, on this "60", you can take the bus number 124 and get to another resort town - Collika. On the 9th bus you will reach the airport, and on the 8th - get to the Park "Italy in miniature". Bus number 7 drives passengers to Dolphinaria, and 41a and 45th - to Akvafan Water Park. Railway station can be reached by any route. Bus departure interval is ten minutes, transport travels to 01:00. When boarding a bus or trolleybus, you must prize the ticket.

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Transportation of Bonelli Bus transported from the Privokzinal Square. Here is the site of this office: . On these buses can be reached in Rome, Turin, Loretto, Florence and Venice. If you have removed to get into San Marino, then Bonelli Bus buses are also the most comfortable and inexpensive option. Buses go through every hour; Freshes to San Marino costs about seven-eight euros, and the road takes less than an hour.

Rail transportation

The railway station in this city is located in the center of its old part, to the pl. C. Battist. Due to the successful location of the resort with railway transport, it is easy to get to Rome, Florence, Venice and Milan. Here in Rome, for example, you can go on the direct train "Eurostar". He leaves Rimini Station at 05:30, and Rome arrives at 10:24. The return route from the capital of Italy, this composition begins at 17.38, and gets in Rimini at 22:10. The passage of the second class ticket back and back will cost fifty euros per one.

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Rail chart from Rimini City You can see here: For additional help, use the service Information service station Here is her telephone: "+39 (848) 8880888".

Car rental in Rimini

Those who love independent attractions, at this resort can be advised to rent a car. Better to use the service from some famous firm. Coordinates of rental points, see the sites of these offices: Avis company:; Hertz company:; Finally, "Maggiore":

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For renting a car in Rimini, there are conditions: you must have a driver's experience for more than a year and international driving license. In addition, it's good if you have a credit card: the amount (about a hundred euro) is reserved on it (about a hundred euros), which after returns to the client. Another "pointer": when you return the car, the fuel tank must be full, otherwise it will have to pay more for the service.

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