What time is it better to rest in Positano?


Positano, this is a small village in the province of Solerno, which is located on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, the south of the city of Naples. If you decide to choose to choose the quality of the next vacation, then surely you will be interested in the question of choosing a time, or more precisely, the period of the year when the climate and weather conditions allow rest to do more pleasant. Although it is worth saying that not everyone shares the view of the best resting time, in the summer on the seashore. Some prefer winter mountains, other just travels at different places and countries, and the third and at all rest on the seashore in the winter. But still, the majority of people prefer precisely summer or beach rest. Therefore, it will be about choosing the best time to relax in the summer season.

What time is it better to rest in Positano? 16185_1

The concept of "early season", in my opinion is a bit vague, since it depends not only on the weather and temperature indicators, and from the desire of the tourists themselves. After all, some can come at the beginning of May and say that they have detected perfectly. Of course, I understand that it is possible to sunbathe in the same Positano at the end of April, but it does not say that the season has already begun and you can come to rest. How not to twist, but the water temperature in the sea will come far from every person, but only the tempered. It is clear that those who bathes in winter in the hole will call an eighteen degree temperature, comfortable for swimming. But in early May, the coast of Positano approximately this temperature of the sea and there. Agree that for a normal rest, this is not quite a suitable indicator.

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Therefore, I do not consider the beginning of May, the beginning of the summer season. According to my concepts, water should be no less than twenty-one degrees, and such an indicator should be waiting for no earlier than the end of May or the beginning of June. But if you take into account the beginning of the opening of hotels that do not work in winter, we will assume that the beach season in Positano begins in the second half of May. Although despite the fact that the air temperature at the end of the month allows you to sunbathe, the sky is sometimes possible to be tightened with clouds, and here, of course, not until the tan. For this reason, I advise you to come here not before the beginning of June. Here it is already the weather on more stable, and temperatures above, at least you can even swim in the sea, because the water will be about the one that I said, pushing out from the concept of the beginning of the season. But if you are going to rest come to the whole family, then-there with children, I advise you to wait a little and wait until the time when the water warms degrees to twenty-four, so that children can play and swim in the sea. And in this case, it is necessary to plan a trip no earlier than on the second half of June. The advantage of this period may be that the number of holidaymakers is not so great and on the beach and in hotels can be said relatively calmly. It is a good time for excursions in the sights of Italy, although there are interesting places in close proximity to Positano, so if you are tired by long trips, you can go on an inspection of the neighborhood and its attractions.

What time is it better to rest in Positano? 16185_3

The visited months for this resort themselves are July and August. In these months, especially in August, the temperature indicators reach their maximum marks. The air heats up sometimes to plus thirty-five, and water can reach to twenty-eight degrees of heat. If you are a lover of such temperatures, then it is better to offer you to offer. But do not forget that with such a large number of tourists during this period, it is quite difficult to find good places to stay, despite the fact that their choice is pretty good. With children - schoolchildren can also be quietly coming during this period, from their presence there will not be no more, since it is so noisy and lively. But to have a good place on the beach, you will have to get up early, it is not anywhere to go anywhere.

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As for my opinion personally, I consider September the best period for rest. This is the perfect month in all its indicators. First, it is the temperature itself that air that sea water. Days about twenty-eight degrees of heat, at night there are five-seven degrees below, so there are quite warm and romantic evenings, because at such a time I want to walk on debt, admiring the beauty of evening Italy or spending time on the terrace of one of the street restaurants, with the light of candles and With a glass of excellent Italian wine, which is so famous for this country.

What time is it better to rest in Positano? 16185_5

I must say that resting with young children, September will also be the best option. People in Positano, more precisely tourists, becomes much smaller than this resort calms down and calms down. It is possible to rest normally until the end of the month.

With the onset of October, the number of vacationers is becoming less and less, some hotels are simply closed. But the weather can delight the first half of this month, and the sea is quite suitable for swimming. The truth of the evening is no longer so warm, but nevertheless, it is possible to spend them on the street, walking or resting on the terrace. For rest with children, October of course not the best period, since the sea above twenty-three degrees can hardly be, but without children you can not have a bad time and relax. Probably we can say that the summer season for Positano in the middle of October and ends, since further temperatures become only colder, and the weather can spoil. Although if you are lucky, then at the end of the month you can soak the last rays of the warm sun and swimming in the sea. But this is already as they say, as the map will fall, so it is not worth much hope for this time of year. By and large, the summer season at this resort and so can be called quite long.

What time is it better to rest in Positano? 16185_6

If we talk about the cost of the tickets and accommodation, it is clear that the maximum prices are exactly at the time when the number of visits is in its peak, then-there is July and August, but I can not say that June may differ much. If there is a question about the purchase of tickets or accommodation at the minimum cost, then you have to choose between male or october. In my opinion, then it is better to choose October, because at least the sea will be warmer. But the most optimal option for a discount is an early booking, and what you will make it before, the cheaper you can do the trip. So see what is better, to book in advance or relax at the beginning or late season.

What time is it better to rest in Positano? 16185_7

As the lieutenant colonel Gotsman said from the movie "Liquidation", this is the painting of oil. And choosing to do you. Good weather.

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