The most interesting places in Voronezh.


For sure, you are sitting and thinking now, wherever to relax in Thailand or in Greece, and maybe at all go to Bali. Yes? So and we and my wife and my head brought themselves this spring. I wanted to us and warm and sun, since after a long winter it is not enough. But, with finances we had tens and therefore we dreamed of dreaming, and the reality would not go anywhere. We decided to go wisely and take into account all our addictions. I do not like to roll just like that on the beach, because it is much more interesting for me to get acquainted with the city, inspecting his sights, to talk with people and so on. My husband is in essence, anyway, where to relax, just only there beerly sold, the sun and the sun bed are certainly desirable, but not necessarily. Evaluating everything and weighing, we decided to go to Voronezh. What? Interesting places in this city, and beer is sold in every store. Super! In addition, there is no need to pay crazy money for the flight, as it is possible to ride with the breeze. Solved, done! Three days later, we had a suitcase. Voronezh, we met a gentle spring sun and good weather. We stay quickly and first that we did - they went to get acquainted with the city. Sightseeing here so much that Greece itself will be visible! So, what can you be so interesting to see in Voronezh?

Monument kitten . This funny monument to the multiplication hero is located on Lieseukov Street. A monument to the kitten was installed, was quite recently the fifth of December two thousand and third. Cartoon about Kottenka, removed the director Vyacheslav Kotenochkin. This cartoon ribbon, immediately after entering the screens, has won a huge popularity of the audience, but most of all she liked the inhabitants of Voronezh. I liked it to local residents so much that it was decided to perpetuate the chief hero of the cartoon. Local authorities announced a competition in which Ira Povarov won at that time a student of the eleventh grade. It is on the project of this schoolgirl, the sculptor Maxim Dikunov and created this monument, thereby embodying the idea of ​​Ira. The monument transmits a frame from a cartoon in which the cat and a crow, sit on the tree. Our country, unfortunately, does not boast a high level of culture, and the monument to the kitten was subjected to the attacks of vandals several times. It was damaged so that in two thousand twelve year, he had to replete stainless steel. Now the monument has become even better than the previous one, since he added a few bright details - the kitten is now a pink nose, the crows are now pink claws decorated with rhinestones, and the crown of wood has a pleasant, almost real green color.

The most interesting places in Voronezh. 15003_1

Zholovsky Chairs . The name itself is already intriguing, right? I was walked all until I saw him with my own eyes. In the brain there were all sorts of fantasies on the topic of a chair with a stationery button, or an ordinary stool under which there is a bag with money. All my assumptions were not true. This monument was set in two thousandth year in the square, which is located near the city government building on Platonov Street. Over the creation of the monument worked - the author of the sketch of the artist Alexander Scriskin, as well as sculptors who embodied his idea to life, Yuri Astapchenko and Sergey Gorshkov. The chair was cast on the bell tower for three weeks. Weighs a chair two hundred twenty kilograms, and its height is one and a half meters. The creators of this creation, with complete confidence, argue that the person who sit on this chair, or simply puts his hands to him, forever get rid of such an unpleasant character traits like a job. For greater persuasiveness, there is a poster next to the monument with a detailed instruction of using this miraculous stool from greed. The monument caused such interest that the Governor of the Voronezh Territory Alexei Gordeyev was attended by his opening. I wonder if he tried the action of this chair?

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Monument to White Bima Black Ear . I really like such simple and at the same time such cute monuments like this. They die, please and return for a few seconds in childhood. Monument to White Bima Black Ear appeared here in the fall of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-eighth year. The appearance of PSA was timed to the birthday of Voronezh. Sculpture does not have a pedestal and makes the impression that this is the real dog who sits on the sidewalk and waiting for his master. Want to see it? Go to the Revolution Square and directly on the side of the square, which in front of the puppet theater, you will see it.

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City Park "Orlenok" . The names of the park, sends to distant and happy times of carefree childhood, when the biggest happiness was to buy a seal over twenty kopecks and drink a glass of soda with a syrup from the machine. At the time of the Soviet Union, the theater of young people worked in the park and contests were held for the best children's drawing. The nineties of the last century, did not regret this park and most of his structures. Almost the entire park, came to an emergency and decreasing state. Since the park was in a very poor condition, it was closed for reconstruction. Work on recovery, lasted for quite a long time, because the park resumed its work only in two thousand tens of the year. Such a long period of recovery, the most favorable way, affected the appearance of the park, now the tracks are posted, the fountain is restored, and it works well on the joy of viewers, the youth theater. The entrance to the park pleases with its massive white columns. It is these columns that give the feeling of the very feeling of Soviet times. In addition to the paths, fountain and theater, there is a monument in the park, the same orcente, in honor of which he bears its name. The monument looks not really real, because it is a young man who sitting on a horse, a pipe in Horn and at the same time his head is turned into an unreal turn.

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The entire territory of the park is fenced and if you walk along the eastern part of the fence, you can see a monument that is dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.

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