Denpasar: Entertainment on vacation


Denpasar, or, Rather, his beautiful airport in Ngurah Paradise - the first thing they see tourists arriving at Bali. But few are sent to admire the city himself, as they immediately go to their coastal resorts - to sleep and sunbathe. It is logical and understandable. But, if you do not feel sorry for precious sunny days, then take away at least half the day for a walk in Denpasar. Believe me, in this old town there is something to do. So how can you have fun in Denpasar, besides walking between temples and admiring museums by exhibits?

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It is worth noting that, first of all, Denpasar can offer its tourists a number of cultural events. They are really numerous and diverse. But in general, in addition to historical attractions, excellent shops and markets and these festivals, there are not much entertainment in Denpasar. Truth. For water sports and excursions you and so go to your favorite resort, where all this is already put on the stream, but the festivals are a trick specifically Denpasarovskaya (well, or the towns under the capital of the island).

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For example, you can go to Padang Galak. Padang Galak is just a few kilometers east of Denpasar, and there is easy to reach by bus, motorcycle or renting a car. Padang Galak attracts a large number of local residents and tourists, first, passing there annual Festival of air cohesives (which takes place at the weekend in July). The unusual topics of this event gave impetus to the rapid development of the Balinese craft to create original air coils, and the village itself quite quickly turned into a major tourist attraction.

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What about Peste Keshenian Bali ? Pesta Kesenian Bali is a festival of art that lasts a whole month offers daily performances, craft exhibitions and other cultural and commercial events. During the month, literally all the Balinese go to the city in order to show themselves and look at others. So, and you can become the audience forgotten and recently revived rural dances (which are traditional in the villages on remote mountain slopes), try all sorts of different traditional dishes, to participate in competitions, admire the classical palace dances or musical performances from Danpasar dance schools, as well as To find out what is a modern choreography (from dance groups from other islands and from abroad). This month of the holiday costs the island, oddly enough, very cheap.

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Maybe the cheapest in the world. The selection for participation begins in villages, where the sections (creative groups) compete with each other for participating in the festival and are shown before a large audience, proving the uniqueness of their dances. So, at the festival are the moststs.

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The Festival of Art is a cultural event of the year in Denpasar, and perhaps in all of Indonesia. The holiday offers the guests of the island a unique opportunity to see the local village culture "First-hand". In 1965, it was proposed that, they say, since tourism penetrated the island, then let it be at least cultural tourism (or Pariwisata Budaya). Over time, this idea has become a national policy. And the development of ideas was largely due to the efforts of the former Director General of Culture and Governor Bali, the idea of ​​Bagus Mantra.

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It was he who suggested to create separate resorts, such as Nusa Dua, so that tourism does not feel bad to calm the island (and we know how it happens), and on the other hand he encouraged a policy aimed at supporting and maintaining the traditional agricultural culture and its adaptation to The requirements of our time, and in particular, this idea and was realized in the framework of "cultural tourism". Numerous dance and art schools were created, dance movements were standardized and new types of Balinese dances were developed (I hung the Tourist Po), as well as the villages of entertainment. Well, festivals! Many of the performances and shows during the festivals are held in the Denpasar amphitheater, which can accommodate up to 6000 spectators - can you imagine how cool there?

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If more specifically, then at this festival you can look at the classic island dancing, such as Leongong, Hambuh, Pritek, Baron, Baris, dance with masks and the like. The whole range of classic Balinese stories - Ramayana, Mahabharata, Sutasoma, Panjie, was turned into a colossal dance show.

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The Festival of Arts is both an economic character. Dancers, musicians and other creative people cannot participate just for the sake of pleasure, but someone should do this, somehow culture must be supported. And live and costumes to sew what! Accordingly, rich tourists come to the rescue. Closer to the beginning of the festival, hotels, travel agencies and guides are beginning to convince and call tourists to participate in the art festival and thus help the island and its culture.

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It is worth noting I. Sanurian rustic festival Sanur Vilage Festivals. This festival has already become a major event on Bali's events calendar. The main goal of the festival is to attract a large number of tourists from different countries. After his huge success last year, the event organizers plan to make this event even better and large-scale, promising many water sports and adventures.

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The event is inspired by the sea and everything that is connected with it, and the sea plays an important role in the daily life of Balinese.

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Next on the agenda of the subpassar festival aka Denfest..

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Annual festival of creativity and cultural diversity of the city. On the days of the festival, numerous food kiosks are exhibited in the city, kiosks with art and crafts, on the squares show traditional Balinese dances and local award ceremonies for different cultural merit are held (for example, the best cook of the city). During this holiday, you can taste traditional Balinese food and drinks (you can always do it, but during the holiday everything is much more accessible and more diverse). The festival takes place at the end of the year (up to December 31).

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Thus, if your trip coincides with one of these festivals, it is necessary to visit and feel this atmosphere!

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