Jurmala - the usual Baltic resort


In Jurmala I had a chance to visit two years ago, in the summer, in July. In Soviet times, somehow did not have a reason to go to go, so the current Latvian voyage passed along a Schengen visa. From the Riga holiday week for 4 days spent in Jurmala.

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I will not say that this Baltic resort led me to delight. Not at all. In many ways he reminded me of our, the St. Petersburg coast of the Finnish Bay - Repino, Sunny, Komarovo.

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Feelings I am absolutely not deep behind the cordon. It is possible that in July, when a "new wave" is held in Jurmala, as Vysotsky sang, "on a quarter former our people." In Russian, many say and certainly - everyone understands.

The sea in Jurmala turned out to be too cold and this at air temperature from 25 to 32!

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Moreover, the water cooled as the air warmed up. To enter the water was only tempered, immediately reduced the legs, the cold penetrated.

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But Jurmala's beach still lived a resort life, as if to swim and not necessarily and even want anyone.

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We walked along the coast, loved views of the former Jurmala greatness. Next to fashionable hotels could be seen such a picture: destruction, mess.

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But for example, I will say, these are single moments.

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The beach in Jurmala is clean, garbage containers literally at every step and this is just annoyed. To admire the sea was difficult - bright blue iron drawers came across the eyes.

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By the way, the garbage theme in Latvia in general and in Jurmala in particular, very concerned. I do not know how much Latvians are already accustomed to divide the garbage, containers for different and all sorts of household waste there is administered. And at the beach itself - too.

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Jurmala, as you know, long. We chose Dubulta's holiday destination. Were in Mayori and in Dzintari, but there did not really like it. I mean not the beach, but the "mainland" part.

Parking, it should be noted, everywhere in Jurmala had free and special problems where the car was left, did not arise.

There is a stunning temple - Lutheran Church in Dubults. It was built in the early 20th century, and such a feeling that in the Middle Ages. The church is highlighted by its architecture - donzhon in the form of a medieval castle.

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Donjon is tall and this is a good landmark for tourists.

And even in Dubults there is a beautiful cafe - delicious there are amazing and prices are quite democratic (unlike restaurants and cafes by the sea). By the way, the name "Dubulta" of this terrain received from the Corchma of a certain Latvian Dubults.

There is still a wonderful forest painter with wooden sculptures. Who did them, not very clear, but they are cool.

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The concert hall "Dzintari" was not impressed at all - some kind of unwashed building, decorated with lining, painted in light-salad color.

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But I was surprised at a good kindergarten park - what only do not have any lazalock for children.

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To drive on your car to Jurmala from Riga (and this is about 25 km) you need to buy a special ecological coupon in the country. I do not remember exactly, but it seems to sell them at the refueling. Coupon costs 1 euro and it is necessary to put it under the windshield, so that when the barrier is passing, the police could see. But not always the Latvians are checked carefully, and it can be easily saved on this environmental collection. Is it just worth?

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