The most interesting places in Hamburg.


Museum of wax figures Panoptikum / Panoptikum.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_1

It was the Panofitikum - the oldest German Museum of Wax figures, which opened its doors in 1879. At that time, the exhibits were burgomistra, famous political figures, as well as the famous residents of Hamburg himself. The exhibitions were the collections of medieval weapons, among which were armor, diorams and other exhibits. The wax figures were the subject of the pride of residents of the city, so every visitor came to the museum with great pleasure and considered every exhibit. People amazed and admired the amazing technique of masters who created such beauty, and the most courageous visitors visited the horror room, without which no modern museum do.

In 1943, there was a terrible fire, which destroyed most of the collection, for the restoration of which took about five years.

Today, in the Panofitikum there are wax figures of famous politicians, athletes, cinema stars, as well as other historically outstanding personalities. There is even a miniature anatomical museum, the exhibits of which are human bodies, for example - a collection of eyes or the development stage of diseases.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_2

The cost of visiting the museum, for adults, is about 6 euros.

Address: SPIELBUDENPLATZ 3 20359.

Zoo Hagenbeck / Hagenbeck Zoo.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_3

It is not only one of the most popular places in Hamburg among tourists with children, this is also just an amazing place that is impressive by every beauty and unique representatives of the animal world. The zoo is located not far from Schtelling and is considered one of the best in Europe.

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As you already understood, the zoo was named after his founder - Karl Hagenbeck, who in 1907 first applied enclosures against wild animals.

Today, all representatives of the animal world that live in a zoo, namely, 2,500 individuals who belong to 360 species live in free and spacious avoices in order to recreate the conditions for their natural habitat.

I really liked an aviary with elephants, because they can be fed with fruits and vegetables. Near them are always full of kids who happily give them treats. Not so long ago, an adventure park appeared in the zoo in which visitors can plunge into the atmosphere of caves, wild jungle and tropical seas.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_5

Here are constantly performing speeches with dolphins and sea lions, and you can also ride on a camel or an amazing train on a certain fabulous country. For visitors with children, a playground is provided on the territory of the zoo, on which you can play in the interruptions between the inspection of animals. The cost for adults is 20 euros, for children - 15 euros.

Address: Loktedter Grenzstraße 2, 22527.

Church of St. Jacob / Hauptkirche Sankt Jacobi.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_6

This is one of the main Lutheran churches of the city, which is located right in his center. Many tourists will easily recognize the church from afar, because its 125-meter tower is towers over the center of Hamburg. It can be said that the tower is slightly lower than in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, but the Church of St. Jacob suffered greatly during the Second World War, and was anew recreated, so that it acts so far.

Initially, in the 1255th year, it was only a small chapel, which the locals began to visit. But afterwards, she grew into a huge and majestic Gothic cathedral, beautiful and large-scale. The true pride of the cathedral is the old organ, which has four thousand pipes, an excellent body of Arpa Schnitger, 1693.

Address: jakobikirchhof 22.

Hamburg Planetarium / Planetarium Hamburg.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_7

Hamburg Planetarium is one of the most vintage in the world, so a very large number of tourists are constantly coming here. Planetarium is located in one of the most beautiful and most picturesque areas of Hamburg - in the StadtPark city park, namely, in the water tower.

It is here that there is not only a planetarium, but also a museum, a lecture and theater overnight.

Amazing, unimaginable representations that create multimedia equipment planetarium, affects everyone. I would say that places, it is very difficult to distinguish where the reality, and where the effects. I really liked the idea that shows the unhurried destruction of the entire planet Earth, it is very sad.

Periodic theatrical productions, made the planetarium in one of the enough popular places of recreation, so not only tourists come here, but also the locals of Hamburg. The cost of the entrance ticket, from 5-22 euros.

Address: hindenburgstr. 1b D-22303.

Ruins of the Church of St. Nicholas / Ehemalige Hauptkirche St. Nikolai.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_8

One of the five Lutheran churches of Hamburg was a large-scale and very beautiful Church of St. Nicholas. It was she, in the gap from 1874-1876, possessed the status of the highest construction of the planet, due to its 147-meter tower. Although, today, almost one tower remained from the church, because during the time of war, namely during the air bombing of the city, the church was very destroyed. To date, this is a memorial who is planning to restore local authorities.

If you trace the story of the emergence of the church, then at all stages, it was accompanied by many misfortunes. For example, quite shortly before the emergence of plague in Europe, the construction of the church began - 1335. Construction was carried out in the northern Gothic style, but as for the towers, then one of them burned down in 1589, and the second in 1644 was completely collapsed. In 1842, almost the entire Church destroyed the fire, so after it was rebuilt in the neo-neo-style style, but he destroyed wartime.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_9

Therefore, today. Tourists can only see the ruins of the church, as well as her huge tower.

Address: Willy-Brandt-Straße 60 20457.

Museum of spices / SPICY's Gewurzmuzeum.

The most interesting places in Hamburg. 13478_10

The museum is located in the same building as the Museum of Art and Culture of Afghanistan, therefore tourists can acquire even oriental carpets here.

The museum of spices is very interesting place, the exposition of which is constantly complemented by various educational lectures and events.

Address: AM SandTorkai 32/1, 20457.

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