Virgin Beauty Sri Lanka


In the wedding trip, we decided to fly to Sri Lanka, I have long wanted to visit the island in the Indian Ocean.

Flight was tedious. From Kiev, we flew to Sharjah (UAE), and already from there in Colombo - the capital of Sri Lanka. Our hotel was 130 km from Colombo and rushed there for about 2.5 hours. Automotive movement on the island of right-hand, everyone goes as they want, sign up to each other, include far light in front of riding cars, ride unusual and not comfortable. Very popular type of transport - Tuk-Tuk.

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All the way to the destination took almost a day, very tired.

In the morning, coming out of the hotel and seeing the ocean, we were amazed by him mighty, there was a windy weather, waves, about swimming speech was not going, but we spent half a day on the beach just enjoying the views. But the next day, we were able to enter the water, swim and feel the Indian Ocean.

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For our vacation, we managed to get to know a little with the island. The first excursion was in the nursery elephants. What are they huge !! In the nursery, conditions are created for the most comfortable and close to the natural conditions of residence. Elephants seem to feel comfortable as in nature. An interesting spectacle is swimming elephants. In the nursery there is a river, which is fenced with a wooden fence from tourists. In it, elephants take a bath.

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Elephants communicate with each other, cling to each other by trunks, are poured with water, lying on the side. You can feed the elephant from the hands, but for an additional fee. Animals are bathed not all day, they assigned a certain time, after which the employee collects them and leads to another place.

The cost of the excursion also included riding on an elephant. It's very scary! Elephant is a huge, climb hard on it even when he squats. When you go, he sits out of side to the side and it seems that it is about to fall. I didn't like this entertainment.

A day after watching elephants, we went to tea plantation. We have shown where tea is grown, a factory for its production, conducted a tasting. We bought a few packs home, tea to taste is practically no different from the usual.

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On the island of Sri Lanka, there are a lot of any living creatures, some copies are pleasing (chipmunks), and some are introduced into shock, especially when such a "miracle" see the hotel.

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In general, Sri Lanka produces a dual impression. On the one hand, poverty, untidy children, dirt, and on the other hand gorgeous nature, wonderful beaches, luxurious greens and abundance of animals.

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