Holidays in Bhukhin: How to get?


Bohinsko Ezero is the largest Lake of Slovenia, the ski resort in winter and a resting place from the noise and the city bustle of the summer. Beachin's shores are still practically not mastered by our compatriots, peering here mainly with group tours. However, despite the privacy, the transport connection is developed here well, and you can get to the lake almost from any point of Slovenia.

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Aviation message

The nearest airport from Bohryn is the capital airport named after Yezhnaya Baunes. Direct flights from Russia are performed only from Moscow - Aeroflot and Adri Aierwis, fly less than four hours. You can get from the airport to Bhohunsy Izero through Ljubljana as follows: from the airport to get to the city by bus stopping at the capital's bus station. The bus to Ljubljana goes less than an hour, the fare is euro. From here it is immediately possible to go on Bakhinsko drier by bus or by train (Ljubljana Railway Station is opposite the bus station). Get to Bohyn, bypassing the capital you can only on a taxi or rented car. Taxi cost - 80-90 euros.

Bus service

Going on the bus towards Bhukhin, it should be noted that there are several stops: directly Bakhinsko Ezero, Bakhinska's villages of Bystrica and Bakhinska Bela, and the place where the campsite is located on Bohne - Goslatorog. The distance in 90 kilometers from Ljubljana to its endpoint - the Bahkhinsky Zlatoroga bus overcomes in two hours. Buses go every hour. The price of a ticket - from 8 to 9 euros one way.

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Railway communication

There are on Bohne and railway stations. They are in two villages near the lake - Bakhinska Bela and Bakhinska Bystrica. Going out of Ljubljana, you have to make a transplant. Travel time depending on the train expectation - from two to three hours. On the day goes around seven trains. Ticket price from 7 to 9 euros, depending on the train class. Yet, I would not advise you to go on the train - the villages are far from the lake, so you have to make a transplant to the bus.

By car

Going along the A2 Karavanke-Ljubljana-Obezije highway, move away from the main road in the direction of Lake Bled. Reaching Bled, move along the road located on the left side of the lake. Riding to the side of Bakhinska Bystrica and Ribchev LAZ. Distance between Lakes Bled and Bohin - about 25 kilometers.

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