Budapest - Danube Pearl


I happened to visit the capital of Hungary -Budapest. The city was formed by merging the three towns on the opposite sides of the Danube River - Pest, Buda and Logging.

Hungary did not have so long ago by a part of the European Union, only 10 years have passed and, of course, it cannot be said that the past history of the Soviet city went into oblivion, traces and remnants of the USSR still remained. This is reminding the buildings of the Soviet construction, tramways, service level.

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On the sightseeing, I was only one day and I tried to spend it most productively.

On the sightseeing excursion, the guide told about the history of the formation of the city, about the main sign places, in general, nothing unusual, standard story. I liked the most and impressed the building of the Hungarian Parliament. This is the most huge building in all Hungary and the second largest parliament among European countries.

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At night, in the backlight and illumination, it looks unforgettable. You can even get inside the excursion, but time did not allow.

Budapest is best to look from above from the tower, so it looks the most advantageous.

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The sightseeing tour of Tired and, pretty hungry, I decided to get acquainted with local culinary masterpieces. Portions in the cafe are not just big, but the huge and prices are democratic. When you order soup, you need to keep in mind that it will bring not a plate, but a whole saucepan, which is designed for 2-3 people.

I was in Budapest on Sunday and was very surprised that there were practically no people on the street and in the cafe. Then I learned that Sunday is considered a family day and everyone relaxed either in a family circle, or outside the city.

Untile attention at an unpleasant moment. In Budapest, a lot of gypsies, they do not cause confidence, I walked them by the poet, and the Hungarians themselves do not like them and belong to caution.

Looking around the city, my journey continued to the neighboring village of Spenndra. It is famous for souvenir shops and the Morzipan Museum. Morcipan is a gripped with sugar powder almonds. Museum - artists and aces of their business. The figures that they do are works of art, never say that such beauty can also be.

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Council to tourists: do not go to souvenir benches that you offer a guide. There is more expensive than the rest. I led to this trick and then comparing prices, disappointed.

Budapest left a twofold trail in my soul. On the one hand, beautiful landscapes, magnificent views of the city from the height and something mysterious vitates in the atmosphere, and on the other hand, an unpleasant sediment from the mercenary approach to tourists. But, in any case, it needs to be seen and the conclusions themselves.

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