Rest in Nha Trang: Prices


I went to Nha Trang, exclusively the time of grain. In this city, it is perhaps the best clinic that specializes in the treatment of joints with mud. Why did they need me? Two years ago, I had the negligence to break my leg and fractured the knee joint, so since the same time I suffer. Treatment, I really brought relief, I still don't know how long. In Nha Trang, magnificent beaches. The opportunity, to boost and swim away from me fell enough often. I liked the resort and I would love to come back here. Along the beach, the gorgeous boulevard with luxurious palm trees was stretched, and I gave me great pleasure, walking here at sunset.

Rest in Nha Trang: Prices 12141_1

It was fed, mostly independently, that is, she cooked herself. In catering establishments, the snacks only twice. Prices in Nha Trang, quite sane and in order to be able to plan the budget of the next trip, I some of them recorded into your notebook. Here are the prices, I want to share today. I will start with prices in supermarkets that are only three things in Nha Trang.

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Nha Trang - Prices in supermarkets

- Little pizza, worth nine and a half thousand dongs or seventeen Russian rubles;

- Long baguette, costs six thousand seven hundred dongs or twelve Russian rubles;

- chocolate cupcakes, stand ten thousand dongs or eighteen rubles;

- Cakes, stand from fifty thousand dongs, or from eighty eight rubles;

- Chokopai weighing three hundred sixty grams, worth thirty-seven thousand dongs or sixty-five rubles;

- kilogram of cookies, local production, costs from seventy thousand dongs or from one hundred and twenty-three Russian rubles;

- one kilogram of purified Durian, costs one hundred forty-three and a half thousand dongs or two hundred fifty-three Russian rubles;

- a kilogram of untreated Durian, worth thirty-three thousand and a half dongs or fifty-nine rubles;

- One peeled pineapple, costs twenty one thousand dongs or thirty-seven rubles;

- crude pineapple in the amount of one thing, costs twelve thousand dongs or twenty-one rubles;

- Jack Fruit is already purified, costs forty thousand dongs or seventy one ruble per kilogram;

- Mango costs from ten thousand dongs or from eighteen rubles per kilogram;

- bananas, cost eight thousand eight hundred dongs or sixteen rubles per kilogram;

- packaging of dried fruit weighing two hundred fifty grams, costs thirty-seven thousand dong;

- Tomatoes are eight thousand four hundred dongs or fifteen rubles per kilogram;

- Onions, worth sixteen thousand dongs or twenty-eight rubles per kilogram;

- carrots, worth fifteen thousand dongs or twenty-six rubles per kilogram;

- a kilogram of watermelon, worth seven thousand two hundred dongs or thirteen rubles;

- Broccoli costs twenty-eight thousand eight hundred dong or fifty-one rubles per kilogram;

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- Chinese cabbage, worth ten thousand dongs;

- Cucumbers are ten thousand five hundred dongs per kilogram;

- Pumpkin, worth three thousand five hundred dongs or six rubles per kilogram;

- Green onions, worth thirty thousand dongs or fifty-three rubles;

- Pork, costs sixty-eight thousand dongs or one hundred and twenty rubles per kilogram;

- Beef, costs from eighty thousand dongs or from one hundred forty one ruble per kilogram;

- One hundred grams of smoked slices, costs from one hundred thousand dongs or from one hundred seventy six rubles;

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- liter of milk, worth thirty two thousand dongs or fifty six rubles;

- One hundred grams of yogurt, on average there are five thousand dongs or nine rubles;

- condensed milk, costs from sixteen thousand dong;

- Dozens of chicken eggs, worth twenty-eight thousand dongs or forty-nine rubles;

- three dozen quail eggs, worth twenty-four thousand dongs or forty-two rubles;

- Olive oil 0.25 costs fifty thousand dongs or eighty eight rubles;

- Packaging pasta, three hundred fifty grams, weighing fifteen thousand dong;

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- Canned meat, stand from seventeen thousand dongs or from thirty rubles;

- Dried fish, weighing two hundred grams, worth twenty thousand dongs or thirty five rubles;

- One hundred grams of frozen eel, worth forty-seven thousand dongs or eighty-three rubles;

- fried seeds of sunflower in the package, cost eighteen thousand dongs or thirty-two rubles;

- small packaging of chips, worth sixteen thousand dongs;

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- Cashew nuts, my beloved, cost thirty-three thousand eight hundred dongs or sixty rubles;

- half a kilo salt, it is one and a half thousand dongs or three rubles;

- five liters of drinking water, worth sixteen thousand dongs;

- Fifteen bags of coffee "Neskafa", cost sixteen thousand dongs;

- Packaging of green tea weighing one hundred and fifty grams, also worth sixteen thousand dongs or twenty-eight Russian rubles;

- liter of juice, costs from thirty four thousand dongs or from sixty rubles;

- Local production 0.33 beer is from seven thousand dongs or from twelve rubles;

- Beer imported 0.33 costs from sixteen thousand dong;

- a bottle of wine, costs from three hundred and sixty thousand dongs or from six hundred thirty five rubles;

- Vodka costs from eighty one thousand dongs or from one hundred forty-three rubles.

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Nha Trang - Prices in the markets

In total, the city has two large markets - Xom Moi Market and Dam Market. On the first, you can buy such goods such as bags, clothes, cosmetics, jewels, silk, toys, flowers, vegetables and fruits. In the second, you can buy souvenirs, cosmetics, shoes, fruits, seafood, and so on. Make purchases on the market it is more profitable, but the fact is that we look like white crowns, and from tourists here it is customary to take the price sometimes ten times higher, therefore, as a council, I strongly recommend before going to the market, most thoroughly, study prices Supermarkets and already in the market bargain with cunning merchants to the last dong and buy only at the price that is beneficial to you, and not the seller.

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- Mango, Papaya, Dragon Fruit and Bananas, there are ten thousand dongs in the market for one kilogram;

- lychee, costs thirty thousand dongs per kilogram;

- dozen chicken eggs, worth twenty five thousand dongs or forty-four rubles;

- Dozen quail eggs, costs five thousand dongs or nine rubles.

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