Best time to relax in Vitebsk


We went to the aunt in Vitebsk. We drove the car from Kiev, according to the Chernihiv highway. Immediately I will say - it is necessary to subjend so as not to get into the border border at 8-9 in the morning. As we were explained, they have renovated at this time, so that we were sitting in the car in the car and watched with envy, as a lot of big tourist buses miss.

When should I go to Belarus? My version - in late August or early September, and so to go during the day ! No, at night, too, you can - the roads are perfect, the cards of jept navigators here do not "wander." But at night you will not see all the charms of Belarusian villages!

First - there are collective farms. They are everywhere, with the Soviet names like "Red Star", and everywhere full of cows. Now I understand why the Belarusian dairy products are so famous for us.

The second - in the cities there is only high-rise buildings, and that's it. No kilometer cottage settlements and personal mini-castles (I already silent about 4-meter iron fences, hiding oligarchs, which is simply not found here, even in the capital). Cottages of Belarusians are small rural houses, as everyone has ever been during the USSR.

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And in the villages it is still interesting - what kind of fences are! Everywhere the same, in any village: a low, green, wooden (in Ukraine in Kiev region called "Stakhat"). The fence begins with the village, goes along the whole street, and ends with her. That is, all the yards are alive and the same! For me personally, it was interesting and unusual.

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And most importantly - why it is necessary to look at the end of the harvest season. Here for the sake of these people:

They can be seen almost near each village, everywhere different: female, men's figures, lonely or whole families, and even "newlyweds". So Belarusians celebrate harvest.

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