What to buy in Vitebsk?


We went to Vitebsk to relatives. Good, pure city. Of us, of course, drove in Cum (There are many visitors water), which is also very Soviet - there was such a Kiev Central Committee of 30th. No boutiques, but there are departments on floors, saleswoman in blue bathrobes, and a lot of good local flax and cotton. We took wonderful linen tablecloths, towels (they are not very bright here, but thick, and the material of excellent quality). At the checkout, all this was very cute wrapped in brown paper and tied up. No packages!

In the department store, only a niece that came with us was upset. The girl wanted something for herself a youth, and there mostly textiles or a simple knitwear for children. She was told that the youth needed to the bazaar, there imports to the import.

Also, they did not remain without our attention and 2 stores " Milavitsa "And department" CONTE " Of course, it was very uncomfortable to count the local money - it came to the point that at the checkout, we just laid out this "fan" in front of the saleswoman and said that we were not local. The woman smiled, took the bills needed to her and gave surrender.

And here are some local goods that before in the USSR were considered the best, relatives to take us to take off. Yes, we did not go to the store of the Belarusian cosmetics, and the husband did not buy the husband either local cigarette. And when they ran into the grocery to bring the children of local sweets, the woman at the checkout said: "Well, you take them, they are not delicious, take the" Roshen ". Although we bought sweets ("Roshene" and houses in bulk), in appearance - no "chemistry"; Children slammed with pleasure.

In general, the trip brought us a lot of positive emotions. Of course, attractions that we did not watch (not counting the sightseeing tour of the whole city, organized by the relatives), but the very feeling that we visited a completely different country, worth a lot. And souvenirs! The local "Milavitsa" is at times cheaper than what is sold in Kiev. And textiles! I think so: to visit Belarus and do not buy a tablecloth home - it means very much to deprive yourself.

But - Photo of the tablecloth. I bought it, not unfolding - hurried (I grabbed the one that is cheaper, since after "Milavitsa" there are very few rubles). And not to buy it was impossible, well, I can't go out of the shop "Yellow to", especially since the overseas, where, it is not clear whether at least once. And at home opened - she was stupid! Not a "cargo", as I initially decided, and a decent thing decorated with floral motifs with a noble silver tint. It is, of course, a little when stored, but it's Len! But after a few styrices (in the typewriter) still smells of grass! I even a mother-in-law jealous of this tablecloth :)

What to buy in Vitebsk? 12057_1

What to buy in Vitebsk? 12057_2

What to buy in Vitebsk? 12057_3

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