How to get to Cappadocya?


Cappadocia is an extensive territory that is very popular with tourists. It is thanks to this popularity in Cappadocya you can get almost all the famous types of transport, except for the sea and shipping rivers there is no.


Two cities in Cappadocia have airports: Cayseri - Big Airport and Nevsehir - Small, place. And one, and in another city can be reached from Istanbul. But flights in Cayseri will definitely more. While to the Nevsehir, the aircraft flies maximum once a day and not exactly daily. The distance from Istanbul to Cayseri and Nevsehir is small - leaf a little more than an hour and an hour, respectively. I assure you that you do not notice the flight. It takes, a set of height, fifteen minutes flights, decline, landing. There is a feeling that you are going in the airliner. Prices are quite humane, especially pleasing periodic specials and promotional tariffs from airlines. The cheapest flight can be "caught" at the local LouroSter (low cost airlines) "Pegasus Airlines".

How to get to Cappadocya? 12010_1

I often fly exactly by this carrier. The only negative is the base airport of Pegazus - Sabiha Gekchen, which is located in the Asian part of Istanbul and if you flew to the airport at Attatürk (as it often happens), it will be necessary to change the airport, and this is at least a couple of hours on Istanbul traffic jams. In addition, Pegazus has very uncomfortable flights (late at night or early in the morning), but he and Lourogenger. Tip: Before confirming the purchase, weigh all the "For" and "Against" - it is possible to overpay a little and fly "Turkish". "TURKISH AIRLINES" - The main carrier in Turkey.

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This quality service, accuracy in the schedule, extensive flight program, but respectively, prices. For comparison, he took the date of departure of the NAVAUM and it turned out that Turkishi offer a flight to Cayseri from Istanbul for 130 Turkish lira; And Pegasus on the same day will take 59 lire. There is a difference, isn't it? And, of course, the Turkish has very difficult to catch a promotional tariff. There is another airline, which can be reached by Cappadocia - "Onur Air" But I can't say anything about it at all. Did not use. From other cities of Turkey, you can also easily reach Cappadocia by plane. For example, from Izmir to Cayseri or Nevsehir in Turkish airlines and even in the summer, a program with Antalya to Cayseri on Pegasus opens.

A train

If you do not bother a long journey and you like a knock wheel, you can reach Cappadocia by train. The train station is in Kayseri and it is there who arrives trains from Istanbul, Ankara and some other cities of Turkey. You can get acquainted with the schedule and the route network, and you can buy tickets via the Internet. Website of Turkish railways It is difficult to understand, but if you can figure it out, it will become a reliable assistant for travel planning throughout Turkey.

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The only one, but tangible minus - to go too long: from Istanbul to Cayseri a little less than fourteen hours, and from Ankara to Cayseri about eight hours of driving. In addition, after the move, the question arises how to get to the Capadokia cities you need ... But if you go on the bus, then there will be no such problems


Excellent roads excavated Turkey along and across. Comfortable, huge buses, wide passages, comfortable armchairs, satellite Internet and good feed. The main "monsters" from bus companies have sites where you can buy tickets and see the schedule. In all cities of Turkey, you can see the representative offices: "METRO TURIZM" and "SÜHA TURIZM" . These are the most popular carriers of Turkey.

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The bus is convenient because it will deliver you to almost the doors of the hotel. Large bus companies have the so-called "service" - this is when you come to the bus station on a large long-distance flight bus, and from there (upon presentation of a ticket) you will be brought to a small minibusik to the place you need. It is very convenient, especially those tourists who travel not to snow, but with extensive luggage. I traveled to Cappadocia on the company Metro Turizm.

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And he drove with tourist Antalya. During the way the bus did a lot of stop at large stations, where it was possible not only to go to the toilet and drink tea with a bun, but also fully dine and even digest this lunch. The road was long - about nine o'clock, but thanks to the comfortable salon, I was tired of rustling and even rushed. Tip: If you have a long move, do not save on the class of buses and then on the road you will be tired of rustling.


Well, everything is simple here. Roads, as I have already written excellent, cards and navigators are full. Therefore, if there is a desire, you can safely take a car for rent and travel on wheels and with a breeze.

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It should be noted that almost all the towns of Cappadocia are connected by regular minibuses. Several times a day, you can easily drive from Görta to Science, Nevsehir, Ugup and many others. You have no problem to get to Cappadocia. And it is not necessary to buy an excursion program at the hotel guide for mad money.

I bought a ticket to the best bus for 40 lire at the bus station of Antalya bus station. He was in nine o'clock I was in Nevsehir. Turks are very friendly and ready to always come to the rescue people. More than once I asked help how to get from point A to item B, so a whole Consilium was gathered around me and a common reason was planted in the right bus. Travel yourself - this is freedom!

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