Rest with a child in Indonesia: for and against


Indonesia is not the cheapest destination for recreation. But for money that tourists pay for vouchers, they get a lot of pleasure and high-quality service. Including many go there to relax with children.

Rest with a child in Indonesia: for and against 11930_1

I would not advise according to my experience to go to Indonesia with very young children. After all, they have a rather long flight, which is tedious even to an adult person and especially flying in economy class. Who flew in this way 10-12 hours, he will understand me. And if the child is quite an adult and it takes out the inconvenience of flights, then in Indonesia you can safely go to relax with the whole family.

First of all, you need to competently choose the hotel. In such trips, it is necessary to remember first of all about the child and choose the hotel first for him. The hotel must have a games room, a playground and desirable, animation too.

Rest with a child in Indonesia: for and against 11930_2

We must not be lazy and read the information and reviews about the hotel. It is best if the selected hotel has a swimming pool and a sandy beach. You can even choose such where the few waves and flows.

Rest with a child in Indonesia: for and against 11930_3

It is necessary to think about the nutrition and best that restaurants and cafes with the usual European cuisine are located. Adults may well experiment with local dishes, and it is not for children at all.

The most important thing that needs to take for a child to rest is sunscreen and use it to Bali every time a small person leaves the hotel room.

I also recommend taking a first-aid kit with him. For example, I always take the antipyretic agents with myself, from the stomach disorder, green, iodine and bandage. I have never come in handy, but you never know what.

And the rest of the rest in Indonesia is beautiful and interesting. The child will do something. There are many oceanarons, water parks and zoos. Indonesians are very friendly people and very much love children, especially European appearance and every baby there expects an increase in attention.

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