What money is best to go to the penetration?


Tourist (if you can put it) Cambodia practically does not use local currency. Foreign tourists and travelers pay, mostly dollars. But local money in Cambodia is still the entrance.

The official name of Cambodian money - Riel. Almost souvenirs are available coins, so only paper bills can be found in circulation.

What money is best to go to the penetration? 11928_1


In most countries of Southeast Asia, the American dollar is a universal payment agent. Therefore, it is better to go to the pondene with US dollars. And in advance should take care of small bills. Old, needed and bills with stamps better leave at home, not everywhere they can be paid.

Cambodian bunny people, constantly trying to deceive or combine, so they themselves think that you are also able to deceive them. Be prepared for the fact that they are long and diligently will consider the money that you give them to pay anything.

I, having remembered about the petty cash, the house took care to have 1, 2, 5 and 10 bucks. I was very happy that I managed to get a bunch of two dollar paper.

What money is best to go to the penetration? 11928_2

What was my surprise, when in several stores I refused to take $ 2, motivating that such bills in nature did not exist. It should be noted that these were small benches, in large stores, the phnomoin such incasions did not arise, but nevertheless the situation is not pleasant.

In all major supermarkets, the price hangs in dollars, with a tuk-tucker and a taxi driver and in the hotel it is better to pay dollars too.

What money is best to go to the penetration? 11928_3

In principle, you can not bother at all with the exchange of money. It is often possible to get local rheel for surrender, but be careful that you are not deceived with the course. The course is approximately $ 1 = 4000 rheel, but it is rude!

If nevertheless, it was necessary to exchange, then in the phnompene, there will be no difficulties with this. Banks are full, exchange offices that are called "Bureau de Change" here, too much. The only thing, try to change some money - the course is extremely unstable and may change several times per day. If you have a rheye, you will not be able to change them back. I have brought these rheelie home, I apply to several banks in Phnom Penh, but no one agreed to exchange them for dollars. But he distributed familiar to souvenirs, the only minus of these souvenirs is dilapidation and severe contamination.

There should be no rugs at all, even in the capital they will not work. If we are going from Thailand, you can easily exchange bats to Rielie.


In the Phnom Penh of ATMs are full, they are all charged with US dollars. Just be sure to warn your bank that we are going to Cambodia. The fact is that Cambodia is an unreliable country and the bank can block the map. It is better to make money in ATMs under large banks.

What money is best to go to the penetration? 11928_4

Situations When the ATM "swallows" a card in Phnom Penh is taking place with enviable regularity, in this case the bank employees will immediately help you. Commission for cashing ranges from 2 to 4 dollars + commission of your bank. It is very convenient that the Commission is written before you confirm the operation. I drove with a ruble visa. It seemed to me that it was more profitable to cash the denyuzhka through ACLEDA ATMs - they are a blue-beige color (commission $ 2) and UCB - they are yellow, the commission is also $ 2.

What money is best to go to the penetration? 11928_5

Frequently travelers are wondering what to take with them cash and map. I prefer the symbiosis of these two things. If you are going to visit the Phnom Penh for a short term, it makes no sense to worry about the exchange of money. Everywhere will be able to pay dollars, and in the map let him be an inviolable stock. With her, it's still calmer.

What money is best to go to the penetration? 11928_6

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