Koh Chang - Island of the Docted Relax Recreation


All tourists in Thailand are divided into two types - who came for exotic and those who want to just relax in a relaxed atmosphere. It is the last one I can advise to go to Chang - an island that is simply created for a paradise pleasure. Beautiful beaches, big strong waves and located somewhere in the distance small islands cause an amazing sense of stay on the edge of light. It was on the beaches to Chang, I could see how the sea merges with the sky. By the way, almost on every beach there is a swing, so you can feel yourself a character from Bounty advertising.

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There are not much entertainment on Khanga - this is riding an elephant and visiting the waterfalls, which are four here. The biggest of these is Plug Plow, the visit of which is only 200 baht. To get here, you need to go through two kilometers of jungle on stone roads along the river, but due to the presence of pointers to do it easy. Water in the waterfall pool is much colder than in the sea, but the bathing in a fresh source is well burtered. Walking on elephants are also expensive, only 900 baht for two-hour skating.

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Since Koh Chang is a truly calm and quiet island, the animation in hotels is not particularly bright, and the only fun place can be called White Beach (White Beach), where fun parties are held every night. There is also a local cafe, where all sorts of entertainment shows are held until two o'clock in the morning, mostly this is a fire show. My husband and I loved to wander around the tropical jungle, and evenings were held in the room in front of the TV. Of course, only one channel was walking on Khanga, but a fully-oriented Russian tourists. And the advertising song about the fact that the real Russian Farang comes to Koh Chang, I remembered for a long time.

Although the hotel guides warn about the danger of renting a car on the island, I do not regret it, because in just 1600 baht we took the car for a day, and we traveled on it almost the whole island. In one day, we were able to visit all four waterfalls and fish villages where Lobser was bought for 500 baht, and not in 2000 baht, as in Pattaya. On the way, we even met a small temple, so no exotic architecture is the island.

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True, there were also minuses - once stuck in some red soil near the beach and once they could not go on a slide on the road because of bad rubber. There was a rainy season and asphalt very slippery. Also on the road we got lost, and one local woman not only helped us navigate, but also brought us to the car during the shower. By the way, while we were looking for one of the waterfalls, they did not know where to park the car, and left her parking near the police commissariat. And when I asked Polycemen, how much the parking fee cost, they laughed, and they said that we can leave the car completely free.

I also want to advise with caution to relate to local drinks with ice - cocktails, cervical and even alcohol. I think the ice is made from crude water, because we drank the bottle of the Roma with ice, and the next morning both were locked with poisoning. The same thing was after we bought a banana shake on the ferry. I advise you to immediately contact either the hotel guide, or to go to the nearest pharmacy and try to explain at least gestures that it hurts.

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And the rest, rest on the island I can call the best. I, as a person passive, who loves to not sleep at sea resorts, even more Pattaya liked Chang. In addition, here people are more welcoming and friendly than in Pattaya, and even more so in Bangkok. Therefore, going here, you must forget about poor mood and rudeness. Do not hurt local residents, because they are always ready to help.

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