Rest in the Baska-Water: Prices


In general, Croatia never attracted me in the sense of recreation and tourism. Well, I have not seen anything attractive in this country for myself. As it turned out, I was very mistaken, because this country can fall in love with myself at first glance. The magnificent architecture of this country may feel free to compete with any European country. But I will try to describe everything briefly and in order.

Rest in the Baska-Water: Prices 11860_1

In the city of Bashka-water, I persuaded to go my husband, for which I am very grateful to him. The city is a wonderful place, it is difficult to call, because even recently he was the most ordinary fishing village. Bashka-water is most likely a spa settlement. The town is surrounded by a mountain massif, vineyards, olive groves and a coniferous forest. Imagine this beautiful? The air here, some kind of special and I called it by air of freedom. The beach is simply gorgeous, the water is purest.

Rest in the Baska-Water: Prices 11860_2

The first day, we unpackled the suitcases and lying on the beach, but for the second day I wanted to explore the surroundings. Oh, my mother is dear, keep me three! Bashka-water is a very colorful and picturesque town. He is so cozy that I want to stay here forever. Local residents, pleasantly pleased with their benevolence, as that we do not ask us with a smile and polite intonation, chewed like small children. Croatian cuisine, it is generally a separate topic and how you have already understood that it is replete with sea products.

Rest in the Baska-Water: Prices 11860_3

By the way, the Croatian cuisine is not only very tasty, but also very useful because in the process of cooking dishes, minimal thermal processing is used, which allows you to save, maximum useful properties of products. We fed mainly in a cafe, but it was a couple of times that we wanted our home meal and I got to the stove, although I prefer to do this occupation on vacation.

Rest in the Baska-Water: Prices 11860_4

What do you think you can bring from the water-water as a souvenir? Not for not guess! Men's silk socks! Do you know why? Because it was Croatia, it is considered the country in which invented this part of the male wardrobe. Baska-water pleased me not only with her beauty and welcome, and also with its prices that are not too different from ours. Want to know how much products cost in the stores of the bath-water? Then read on!

Rest in the Baska-Water: Prices 11860_5

Bashka-water - products prices in stores

- one kilogram of potatoes costs three Croatian kuns or nineteen Russian rubles;

- kilogram of apples, worth eight Croatian kun or fifty our rubles;

- bananas are somewhat more expensive, because for a kilogram of this usual exotic, you need to pay nine Croatian kun or fifty-six Russian rubles;

- loaf of bread, worth five Croatian kun or thirty one ruble;

- liter of milk, costs six Croatian kun or thirty-seven rubles;

- A glass of sour cream weighing a hundred eighty grams, worth almost four Croatian kuns or twenty-three rubles;

- eggs in the amount of one ten, cost twelve Croatian kun or seventy-five Russian rubles;

- Kefir in liter packaging, worth eleven Croatian kun or sixty-nine rubles;

- Kilogram of cheese costs from thirty to sixty kun;

- dual-gram packaging mayonnaise, costs four kuns;

- five hundred grams of cottage cheese, worth sixteen kun or a hundred rubles;

- floor liter bottle of vegetable oil, worth nine kun or fifty six rubles;

- one kilogram of chicken, worth a thirty Croatian kun or one hundred eighty seven rubles;

- kilogram of meat minced meat (present), costs twenty-eight kun or one hundred seventy five rubles;

- boiled sausage, average pricing policy, worth fourteen Croatian kun or eighty seven rubles, for one kilogram;

- one bank of canned food from Tuna or Sardine, costs from eight to thirteen Croatian kun;

- one and a half liter bottle of water, stands on average nine kun;

- liter packaging juice, worth ten kun;

- tea costs about ten kun per package, there is of course a little cheaper, and there are elite varieties, the price of which clearly raises;

- cookies in a pack, costs from seven to twenty kun;

- One ball of ice cream mass in a hundred grams, any taste, colors and aroma, worth seven Croatian kun or forty-four Russian rubles;

- liter of dry red wine, stands on average twenty-five Croatian kun or one hundred fifty-six Russian rubles;

- Beer. Here is the most interesting! One bottle of beer, worth a maximum of eleven Croatian kun or sixty-nine Russian rubles. Attention! Keep the check, because drinking beer, you can return an empty bottle into the same store in which you sold it beer, and they will be paid for it, for her empty bottle, there are three Croatian kuns or nineteen Russian rubles.

Bashka-water - prices in cafe and restaurants

- Rich dinner in the restaurant for two persons, stands on average from two hundred to three hundred Croatian kun;

- Lunch Fast Food in one of the cafes will cost one from thirty to fifty Croatian kun;

- a sack of paste or risotto in a cafe, costs fifty Croatian kun;

- a medium-sized pizza in a cafe, costs fifty Croatian kuns or three hundred twelve Russian rubles;

- a huge plate of fish, weighing one kilogram in a cafe costs two hundred Croatian kun;

- a cup of fragrant, natural coffee in a cafe, costs eight kun;

- Draft beer in a cafe, costs twenty Croatian kun;

- A very large plate with seafood, such as shrimp, mussels, scallops, and so on, in a small restaurant, is three hundred Croatian kun;

- Big portion of spaghetti, in the restaurant costs sixty Croatian kun or three hundred seventy-five Russian rubles;

- Portion of risotto complete with seafood, in the restaurant worth seventy Croatian kun;

- one portion of grilled meat, costs fifty Croatian kun;

- one kilogram, stunningly delicious fish, which was cooked on the grill, it is three hundred fifty Croatian kun;

- Shrimp cream soup, worth twenty Croatian kun or one hundred twenty five Russian rubles;

- tomato soup, it costs fifteen kun;

- Espresso tea and coffee, cost six Croatian kun;

- Paul liter glass of beer, is on average fifteen Croatian kun or ninety-four Russian rubles.

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