Is it worth going to Cambodia?


For decades, Cambodia has been impregnable for all, except for the most fearless tourists. Well, today, this southeast Asian country is a rather popular place among all tourists: from travelers who prefer to wander in wild jungle with a backpack behind their backs and explore the stunning, destroyed by palm trees of the country's central regions, which are accustomed to the luxury of tourists who appreciate the service And you can lazy to go to the temples, between the massage and exquisite French cuisine for dinner with candlelight. Well, beautiful temples in Cambodia a lot. For example, ancient Temple Complex WAT Angkor - National heritage of Cambodia.

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Although some complain that, they say, the Rossian Angkor, where the famous temple is located, tourists have already plucked, and that there is very dirty and too crowded, it is still an exciting sight of the spectacle. Well, the Siemreap offers all the amenities that you can wish, and for any budget. By the way, Siemreap It became extremely popular since the popular film "Lara Croft: Tomb Rank" with the Beauty of Angelina Jolie.

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By the way, Angei completely fell in love with this country, and somehow said that the Humanitarian catastrophe was opened by Cambodia on "what is happening in the third world countries." After filming the film, she began to actively work with the UN Commission on Refugees, first drove into Sierra Leone and Tanzania, then once again in Cambodia, then in Pakistan, everywhere generously crushing his earned millions. Ai Yes Ange!

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It must be recognized that very many tourists simply come for a couple of days to Angkor (in particular from neighboring countries) and do not want to travel further, but Cambodia can offer much more than just one old wat. It is a fact. Well, at least lazy snow-white beaches Sihanoukville or stylish resorts in prosperous recent years coastal Krong Keb. , not to mention the most interesting excursion to the atmospheric, shrouded in fog and riddles Buror Hill Stayshn where you can "try to taste" the 1960s of Cambodia.

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Many are written off Phnom Pen . And in vain! Nevertheless, it is a beautiful city, with a stunning colonial heritage, a magnificent embankment with a gorgeous palace and a large selection of restaurants and bars.

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Phnom Penh is located about halfway between WAT Angkor and the Vietnamese border - from the dilapidated town, he has already become a decent cosmopolitan city with some significant and unique places for recreation.

Shopping In Cambodia, here is also quite successful: if you rank in the Russian market in the same Phnom Penh, you will find a lot of pile of stuff "under ancient", elegant fabrics and elegant ceramics.

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And certainly you can not pass past several boutiques with designer clothes (from local masters), it is definitely impossible to pass by the master of a shoemaker who will very quickly make you leather boots at a bargain price.

Traces of a terrifying genocide committed in Cambodia "Red Khmers" in the 70s of the last century, here still visible: go, at least in Museum Taol Slag Jenoside Museum Or make a trip to Fields of death Outside the city - this is a sobering moment of your trip, a sort of pause, during which you have to realize, for which atrocities people are still capable of, and what are the terrible consequences of all this.

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Well, we will not be about sad. Pattambong In the West, the country will offer travelers and landscapes casual rural life.

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Do not forget to admire here on the first Wine Plant of Cambodia and take a tour of a secluded and not very popular isolated Khmer temples, some of which are much older than Wat Angkor. It is easy to get to the city by bus or about a taxi, you can swim onto a boat from Siemreapa, passing Tonleshap - such a trip to be an incredibly beautiful and memorable point of your journey.

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It can be noted that from all the mainland southeastern countries of Asia, Cambodia, perhaps, the most neglect from a tourist point of view. It turns out that the country is known worldwide only two things: Magnificent Angkor Watu and two "heritage" of red khmer-mines and security issues.

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This is "and I want to rally" attract and repulse foreign tourists, as a result of which the most developed places with the tourist infrastructure of Siemreap and the nearest city to the WAT Angkor complex, while the rest of the country, from a tourist point of view, It develops a much slower pace, if at all at least it develops. If you suddenly seemed to be that everything in Cambodia is "about genocide", then you, of course, are mistaken. Boat cruises, culinary schools, animals and zoos, noisy markets and picturesque rivers - It's all very interesting!

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Lost Thailand is even more famous for its islands. Well, so, by the way - the Cambodian southern coast is about Hallemen of luxury islands - When it comes to the choice of unknown secluded paradise islands, tourists have long preferred not half-timed Thai, and these. Virgin beaches and crystal clear water - "product" of the highest class. Cities on the coast are also good, but not so much.

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But those who are for the idea "Eco-tourism" And those whom the bread does not feed - give a look at Liana, Tarakashki, exactly in Cambodia. Closer to the center of the country, away from the coast, is the epicenter, so to speak, this eco-tourism, and the most famous zones concentrated around Chipata that halfway between the Phnom Pentene and Pattambong. Here you can experience rustic life and appreciate what remains of the once extensive wet forests of Cambodia.

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Following the north of the capital in the direction of the border with Laos, drive to the cities Crash and Stung Trench - Male charming cities, in the waters of which, if you are especially lucky, you can see the threat to the disappearance of Iruvadi dolphins.

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East of the country will capture you with the beauty of their romantic named Mondolkiri and Rattanakiri provinces. Someone called these places to Cambodian "Wild East" - these areas were (and remain) destroyed from an ecological point of view, but there is something there, what exactly can I see.

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Bangung In the north boasts its national park of Viiras with waterfalls, while the province of Saintmonor is just a very beautiful place.

Cambodia deserves at least a month of travel. But even if you do not have any time, highlight a week-of Cambodia, you will not regret!

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