February Nice


I went to Nice in February a few years ago. Before that, I could judge France only in Paris, which I did not really like it: the dominant of blacks and Arabs, the gray crowds of missing tourists ... But the Côte d'Azur is a completely different world. Affectionate sun, sea, rocks.

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The weather at this time is warm, somewhere + 15 Celsius, the city will flood the sun. Some local even sunbathe. In the afternoon I walked in a turtleneck and jeans, did not frozen. In the evening cool.

At the end of February, they had a carnival, I even accidentally hit him. Not large, but fun. I am not a lover of large folk festivities, but everything passes relatively calmly. If you go with children, you should visit.

Be sure to ride on the ferris wheel. It is not very high, but the view of the city is impressive. Sorry, I rode in one of the rare cloudy days, so the photo is not very. In the evening, turn on the backlight.

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You can visit the chocolate factory. The excursion is quite interesting, the whole process of cooking is visible through the glass. There is also a shop with all sorts of goodies. Many things sell: from chocolate to violet liqueur.

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February Nice is especially good. Not hot, no crowd of tourists. In general, cleaner and calmer than in Paris.

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