Rest in Pakbeng: Useful Tips for tourists


A couple of useful information about Pakbeng.

1) The main thing is not to subside my mood immediately after arriving in Pakbeng. Boats moored to the so-called "embankment" - the usual shore with sand and stones. When your bags and backpacks are unloaded from the slush from the slouch, be prepared for them to run out porters - usually this is a foul type of Lao peasants or teenagers. Even if you are waving your hands in the air and signal that things you will enter yourself, the porter is most likely clung to your things and will even have time to take them on his back before you have time to breathe. The main thing here is to agree on the price. It is necessary. These convex porters usually wolf off your belongings around the city and do not think to answer your questions A la "Well, where are you going, brother?".

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Calm down - the main thing, the porter will lead you to the Gasthus, with the owner of which he has an agreement. The catch is that the Gasthaus this will be so-so qualities, well, and swear and look for a new one will be inconvenient or lazy. No, refuse, you certainly can. By the way, the porter will be patiently wait until it makes sure that this gesthouse approached you, and if notes that you are going to search for anything better, you will again do not have time to come to your mind, as he grabbing your little things again and drag them to another owner. And again it is not a fact that the new gesthouse will be normal. In general, for such movements, the porter will ask you 10 dollars. And this despite the fact that for the same money and even cheaper here you can withdraw the room or bed in the dormitory room. If you have not agreed in advance (three dollar), then give a peasant of dollars five and let the world, let him not be angry. And he will be very persistent. So, do not pay yourself a mood, we agree on everything right in the "Port".

2) Independently finding a room in the Gasthus to your taste is not at all difficult, only if not in the high season and if a hundred tourists did not bother in Pakbeng at once.

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Older and cheaper gesthauses are located next to the main passenger pier, more precisely, above it, on the hill. More expensive and new gesthauses are the left of the main "port", above the second passenger pier. For the cost, you can also bargain - tourists here in general are not very much, and for you will be cling in any case to earn at least something. And do not listen to those called who will whine (those who will meet by the shore), that, if you don't rent a number now, you will go to sleep on the street or that in other hotels the rooms are horrible what expensive! In this transshipment point, many Gasthusov continue to be built. By the way, together with you in the boat, another in Huaksae, most likely, a local resident will go, whose English will be quite excellent, so, having tolding with you, he will mention that there are very few empty places in a small Pakbenge - and immediately will offer help In search of housing (familiar there, aunt, friends surrender a house). It is possible through it - the truth will be more expensive.

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Footwear in Gasthaus should be left at the entrance (most often). Conditions in the rooms - how will have. But in general, everything is very modest: bed, wooden bedside table, locker, toilet, shower. Sometimes the Internet. Usually the owners give a bottle of drinking water. But the towel may not be - be sure to take with you (but in most Guesthouses have already been long ago!). If it is scary to look for a room in Dotmaki - look here: For 80,000 kip, you can find the converter such a room!

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3) Centralized power supply in the village is missing. Each house is supplied with electricity from its own diesel generator-and most often, it is included in the region of 6 pm and turn off to 10-11 pm. But if you are lucky, the generator will work all night. For such a "uneconomic" mode, many Gasthauses are moving.

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But just in case, get ready for the fact that after midnight in the village there is no light, the clubs do not work (in the mountains of Laos is not so hot and humid, so without air conditioning you can easily do, and without a fan too), the water in the soul will become cool . Thus, we have time to make all important things before that time, including charge phones, cameras, laptops and razors. Well, ask in advance at the owner of the house. If you want to walk at night, have a flashlight with you.

4) Prices in local cafes are approximately the same as in other cities of Laos, even Luang Prabang. Beer stands in the area of ​​10,000 kips, juices - 5000, breakfast - about 20,000 killes (for example, pancakes somewhere for 15,000 and juice), all fried meat - from 20,000, soups - also around the 20,000. Tight delicious dinner with beer will cost you. Stage in 50000-60000 kip. By the way, beer or cocktail / juice is likely to be fed warm - in this village ice - rarity.

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There are many restaurants, the vegetarian menu is impressive (at least for such a place), cafe is pretty cozy, with reggae music. By the way, you can order myself on the road in your hotel, if it is too lazy to go buy (tell me: Breakfast Take Away) - the main thing is to indicate how much exactly you want your breakfast (but most likely you will bring it late. Laos!)

5) When you pay to the restaurant, then recalculate the delivery - they can easily give you less. Or, which is worse, very dranny and unsuitable bills.

6) The most beautiful photos are obtained in Pakbenga after 3 hours of the day - everything becomes as if some kind of gold (if it does not rain, of course). Photographers, do not miss the moment!

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7) If you want beer, but to climb from the room too, ask the host of the Gasthaus - it can bring, albeit at high prices. For a good sleep, try the local drink "Lao Lao Bong" (something like a tincture of the rice rice, drink through the straw).

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8) Come to the boat station early - let the boat goes at 9 or 9:30, be there at 8:30 pm, and even better - in 8. To take the best places, and do not sit on the floor, of course. From Pakbenga, you will definitely leave - do not worry for it, but in what condition you will spend the following hours - depends on you. If you sit on the floor not scary - come at least 10 minutes before departure :)

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These are the advice for those who come to spend the night in Pakbeng.

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