Is it worth going to Latvia?


Having been in Latvia, to the question of whether it is worth going to this country, I can say one thing: "It is definitely worth it!".

After all, it is a truly beautiful region with amazing sea landscapes, picturesque dense forests and very colorful towns. Well, about the capital of Latvia, the city of Riga, and at all, I think you should not speak. This is a real paradise for history lovers, connoisseurs of architecture and culture as a whole, and just wanting to walk pleasantly or sit in one of the cozy restaurants, watching the life of the city.

In the photo: Riga.

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But I will say right away - in addition to Riga in Latvia, there are still a lot of interesting places that will definitely leave indifferent. In addition, all conditions have been created in various parts of Compact Latvia not only for beach holidays or study tours, but also for active and environmental, as well as health tourism.

In the photo: Jurmala.

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Over all of the country, an impressive number of historical monuments and nature is scattered, and their visit leaves really warm and vivid memories. Active pastime is presented here not only with water sports or fishing, but also overcoming forest obstacles, karting, flights in the air and many others. And sanatoriums and wellness centers, located in environmentally friendly zones or along the coast, allow not only to fully relax, but also correct your health. In addition, Latvia is a place where numerous festivals are held (remember at least the famous Jurmala "new wave"), so you can go here for interesting entertainment.

To other, but no less significant advantages, rest in Latvia can be attributed to the magnificent knowledge of the language of the country's residents. They own a good half, if not more, the population, therefore, with explanations and requests, there will be no absolutely no problems. Honestly, at first a little wild and unusual from the fact that almost everywhere you hear Russian speech. But gradually get used to and start to enjoy the rest. And although many still scare horns about the hatred of local residents to tourists from Russia, it remained far in the past and now you can safely attend your favorite places and enjoy the unique Latvian atmosphere. Of course, justice for the sake of, it should be noted that so far the inhabitants are divided into two camps - considering Russian invaders and their defenders, but it does not exceed it in any way, it does not interfere with the rest.

In addition, as it turned out, a significant plus of rest in this country is both good, and most importantly - inexpensive, transport connection. You can easily get to Riga, and on the train or plane, there are relatively cheap tickets, and flights from different cities are performed regularly. From Riga, it is not difficult to get to the right place and will not be difficult - the country is so small and well organized that flights even to small resort towns or settlements are performed at least a couple of times a day (and more popular - and at all with enviable regularity).

Since 2014, Latvia has entered the euro zone, and the official currency of the country became the bills common throughout Europe, which removes the issue of sharing money to local lats (formerly in use). This, in my opinion, is also an important advantage for tourism in the country, making the journey even more comfortable.

Well, finally, it is impossible not to note the worthy level of the proposed service, reasonable prices and high quality in everything. So, in Latvia, there will be a comfortable tourist with an absolutely any level of income - from a student to a wealthy businessman. And everyone will be able to choose and find something in their taste - from a cheap hostel, lunch in a fast and inexpensive cafe and free entertainment (here, by the way, with this, too, everything is in order) to five star hotels with acne and cozy atmosphere to expensive Restaurants with exquisite dishes and elite clubs.

At the end, I want to write about the amazing nature and the soft Latvian climate, which contributes to the proximity of the Baltic Sea. Of course, here you are unlikely to find the hot summer with the burning sun. And if necessary? The climate, which more often here is moderately warm or even cool, is distinguished by special softness and is very useful for those who want to relax and restore their strength. Fresh air and good ecology make Latvia an attractive place to relax with the whole family, including children.

In the photo: the surroundings of Sigulda.

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So, if we talk about how attractive Latvia for tourists, we can safely say that it is not only a country with an interesting past and rich cultural heritage, but also a region in which you can simply relax and enjoy all the delights of the Baltic coziness.

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