What interesting places should be visited in Heraklion?


Heraklion is the largest city of Crete. This is one of the main Island of Greece and one of the most beautiful planet resorts with excellent beaches, high mountains, wild gorges, a constantly changing landscape, Venetian harbors and unique hotels. And you will be able to know the soul of the island in Heraklion.

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Start acquaintance with Heraklion from the street on March 25, which begins from the Kale fortress. This is one of the symbols of the city, called the locals "Cretan Acropolis". Once upon a time this Venetian sea fortress for controlling the strait. In the summer months, concerts and other cultural events are held in the fortress. Continuing his way down the street, you will reach the Church of the Holy Titus with a beautiful area on the right side. Then, on the left hand you will see the loggia - the building of the unique architecture, where today is the mayor's office of Heraklion. A little lower than you will meet the Basilica of St. Mark, where the municipal picture gallery is currently located. Opposite the gallery is proudly marble lions, guarding the famous source of freezing. It also begins one of the main streets of the city - Grandma Street with a chain of branded shops of various brands. And on her parallel, the Korais street is drawn by row numerous cafeterias and bars.

The next object included in the top tourist attractions of the city is the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. This is one of the most significant in Europe, which is famous for its collection of invaluable real evidence of the very first European civilization - Minoan. You can find this museum on Ksentudidu Street, 2.

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It is impossible, having been in Heraklion, do not visit the ancient city of Knossos of the Minoan era, which is located a few kilometers southeast of the city. The famous Knos Palace is open to visit in the summer season from 8 to 19 hours, and the rest is from 8 to 15 hours. The cost of the entrance ticket - 6 euros. Buses to this palace are departed from Iraraklion bus station regularly.

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For connoisseurs of Orthodox culture in Heraklion there are several iconic objects, which will be interested in. Monastery of Paliani (6th century) - the most ancient of the Afonov monasteries. The territory of the temple is growing myrtle, which is already 1800 years old. There is a legend that the icon of the Virgin found in his dupel, found later by village girls. The monastery of Holy Irina, which is in the village of Creson, not far from Heraklion. It was built on the spot where the remains of the 33 killed here in 1822 monks were found and witnessed the battles raised during the period of Ottoman rule. The monastery of the Virgin Odigitria is one of the most significant Greek centers organized monastic life. Here you can admire the wonderful altar with rare icons of the famous Angelos icon painter. Finally, another interesting monastery, which can be recommended to the visit is a monastery of Vondismiu, who in the period of Cretan Renaissance was the center of Cretan Literature and Art. On his courtyard is the marble source of the 15th century with the image of Adam and Eve to paradise.

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Do not forget to visit the Crete Aquarium in Heraklion, which is located in the building of the former American Military Gurnes. Here you will have a unique opportunity to explore the Puchins of the Mediterranean Sea and approximately two hours a fascinating excursion to get acquainted with its underwater world. Please note that this aquarium has audio guide in Russian (cost 2 euros). Photographing with an outbreak in the aquarium is prohibited. In the summer months, his opening hours - from 9 to 21. The rest of the time - from 9 to 19. The standard price of the entrance ticket is 8 euros. Children under 5 years attend aquarium for free. And under the age of 17, they pay at a discount - only 6 euros.

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