Tips for those who are going to Wangway


A couple of practical advice on Wangway.

IN ATMs Scattered throughout the city, you can remove the money from the card. It's not a problem. The commission for the operation is about 20,000 instruments, and you can remove the maximum of 10,000,000 boils at a time. The best option will go to an ATM with JOINT Development Bank, as there is no commission for removing funds. Hotels and travel agencies around the city will offer you to exchange money, thank God, at fair courses, but with a small cheating - and how!

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City Hospital Wangway is located opposite Ban Sabai bungalow on the road walking along the river. It must be said that medicine is located in this city in absolutely similar state.

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There you can help with easy disadvantages, but if something serious happened, it would be better for you to hurry to get to Thailand or at least to Vientiane, and as soon as possible. Internet cafe less popular than before, because almost every hotel offers Free WiFi. Thank God. Many hotels offer free use of computers. As you can see, time is not worth it, even in Laos - even the cheapest hostels and the mainhouses offer free, reliable wireless Internet.

Concerning crime level According to June 2014, it is argued that, although in Laos, usually a low level of violent crime, "some tourists in Wangway were robbed and susceptible to sexual violence." So, do not lose your head and do not drink in bars (in those that remained).

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Another important note. Historically, it happened so that Narcotic drugs , such as marijuana, mushrooms, opium and yabba (Yabba, Methamphetamine), are here in free access in many bars and restaurants throughout the city. In most bars there are "magic menus" - that is, some dishes are made with drugs.

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In particular, most often in the menu they are indicated as "pizza", "necks" and "teas", and the added components are advertised as "happy" or "special". These unknown substances or opiates can be very dangerous, causing a serious illness or even death. Naturally, no "happy" offers do not agree, we are not a fool with you.

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By the way, narcotic drugs are illegal in Laos. In addition to these drugs, it is impractical to try to purchase any other substances that are not in free access "magic menus" in restaurants. The danger of the use of most drugs has already been proven, and, in addition, if a local police caught you ... Police officers often take any suspects of tourists to the local police station for trying to buy something like that. Sometimes tourists can even remove the passport, and you will not give it until you pay a hefty penalty (usually from 3-5 million boiled). After the fine is paid, as a rule, further actions are not accepted, and you will be returned to you; However, the punishment will depend on the police officer. Some of the policemen are co-owners of the Gasthus, so if they wonder they are interested in what and where to get - the problems will immediately begin. In general, the best way to exit the situation is just to pay. And repent that they read this article, and still went to risk.

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Where else should be careful? As I have already written in another article about Wangway, more than 20 tourist deaths were registered in 2011 - drunk tourists drowned in the mountain river, or death caused the fact that the man dived with a pinch - and babes, head about underwater rocks. Water in the river is far from transparent, so, the pitfalls are often simply not visible. In addition, in some places the current is very strong. Be careful if you are going to swim. Previously, when the bars were standing along the river (until 2012), people here constantly dressed, because immediately from the bar everyone wanted to dive into the river, and in the hospital there was no city (and no now) no serious equipment. Thank God, there are no more bars, but the injuries still happen.

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The Guardian reports that tourist deaths led to the fact that local lazzhes began to believe that the river had a bad karma and that evil spirits were found in the river. Today, local residents try to be smaller next to the river, and after all, once the river was part of life, where the local bathed, fishermen and washed. Today, in the rarest case, you will see that someone from local splashing in the watered waters of the river.

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That's how tourists change history. It is reported that the number of Europeans in Wangway has decreased, well, and guests from Japan, China and South Korea have become much more here. Changes creates a new problem - tourists from Asia do not complain cheap accommodation and prefer more high-quality places. So, it is likely that soon the cheap gesthaus will be very little here! We use your chance to visit the beautiful place cheaper!

Well, if you are not going to swim drunk and there are drugs, then Be careful, just walking through the streets . Even the main street of the city may injure a careless traveler: follow the big holes in the asphalt - ditch here at all are not fenced.

Quickly I will write about shopping here: Wangway - not the best city for shopping In the country, but you can find here a few places where you can buy more postcards and all souvenirs. The local market is located north of the city center - there are selling household goods, fresh food and dishes, but along with this you will find textiles, including the various types of traditional Phaa Sin (Sarong) and shirts, all handmade. Other exotic souvenirs - baskets made from local materials, such as bamboo, grass and straw.

Those who came to the city are unprepared for water sports, do not worry; You will find swimsuits, shorts, caps, hats and slippers in all stores scattered throughout the city. Most of them are small family shops, so they open pretty early (well, it is also closed too late).

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Like this! In general, today to go to Wangway - one pleasure! It is now calm, quiet, pure and beautiful. With children here too, it will be fun (at least to ride the whole family on these buns).

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