When is it worth going to rest in the reclot?


The raid attracted me because it is his mecca of pottery. It is not interesting to either his attractions or his beaches, so there are very few hotels, hotels and other places to temporarily stop tourists. Watching the locals, I came to the conclusion that they live from one season to another. For example, in the spring they are engaged in the collection of orange flowers, in the summer they are engaged in the manufacture of products from ceramics, in the fall, it is harvested by an acute pepper, and in the winter the whole tunisia citrus is supplied. The climate here is beautiful and it is he who has to such labor of local residents. I was here in summer and autumn. I want to note that it is best to ride in the fall or in the spring, since the summer in these edges is rather roast. Probably because the average daily temperature of the outside, reaches thirty-two degrees of heat, local residents and decided to do a pottery craft, because for this you do not need to stay on the street and it is better to dry under the hot rays of the hot sun.

When is it worth going to rest in the reclot? 11632_1

Attractions in the rated almost no and new impressions, you will have to ride around the neighborhood. I am very pleased with the fact that tourists have not blocked about the adoles of the local beaches. I will tell you the biggest thing that the beaches in the scales are simply amazing with the smallest and soft sand, complete with the clean water of turquoise color. The temperature of the water in the summer months is twenty-six degrees of heat. In the fall, here you can wonderfully relax, for example in September, because the average daily air temperature, at this time it drops to twenty-eight degrees of heat, while the water temperature is twenty-six degrees.

When is it worth going to rest in the reclot? 11632_2

You just imagine that water is essentially two degrees, cooler air temperature. Personally, I did not want to climb at all. You probably become a feeling that when there is a very long time, you are in the water, then the will of the unilies, do you start freezing? Yes? So, here you can swim at least a whole hour and not to freeze at all. Winter in the reclot, comes as we have in December, but can you just call this heat in winter?

When is it worth going to rest in the reclot? 11632_3

I sincerely sorry for those people who did not see the snow in their life, and in the face, it is simply unrealistic, for the simple reason that the coldest month is February and this month the average temperature outdoor air temperature is not lowered below In thirteen degrees of heat. Imagine such beauty? Especially if you consider one important moment - in the scales, there is no rainy season! Generally beauty! The rainy month of the year is considered to be November, because it falls on his share, as many as four rainy days, maximum. Strong winds, in local places, very rarity and windy weather, mostly happens in winter. In all the rest of the time in the hunger, you are confused, and the smoothness, and God's grace. I write these lines and I think herself. And do not move to me in the reclonance of permanent residence, winter will soon begin. Just kidding, of course.

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