Visa to Brazil. How much is it and how to get?


Brazil in many parameters is close to us and is a friendly country. Maybe in gratitude for the fact that we love the Brazilian TV series so much, the visa for Russians is not needed.

Visa to Brazil. How much is it and how to get? 11592_1

And admire the beauties of this country for up to 90 days. When crossing the boundary you need only to show your passport, the validity of which should end after departure from the country. It is also necessary to prevent return tickets and as your financial consistency of your hotel reservation. Brazilians people are not stupid and understand that people do not go to their country to be shoved and no need to show no references from work or an account of account from the bank.

If children are going with one of the parents, then notarial permission from the second, and translated into Portuguese.

In the event that three months for stay in Brazil are not enough, then you can place a visa in the Brazilian embassy.

Visa to Brazil. How much is it and how to get? 11592_2

And so, to obtain a visa, the passport validity period must be at least half a year since the end of the trip and that in it was at least one free page for a visa. You still need one photo and back to flight ticket. An invitation to the operator from Brazil is also required. It needs to specify the personal data of the tourist, the time of the trip and its goal.

The visa costs only 800 rubles and its official design can take up to 6 days. Although in practice, it is often issued on the next day.

It is not at all difficult in order to live for a long time in this interesting country.

Embassy of Brazil in Moscow

Visa to Brazil. How much is it and how to get? 11592_3

Address: 121069, Moscow, ul. Big Nikitskaya, 54

Telephone: (495) 363-03-66, fax: (495) 363-03-67

Consulate of Brazil in St. Petersburg

Address: 190000, St. Petersburg, Nab. R. Washing, 75.

Phone: (812) 703-74-58, fax: (812) 326-66-77

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