Why do tourists choose Perth?


After in 1829, the deposits of nickel, gold ores were found on the territory of a small village, and the famous diamonds of Kimberly, the village grew into a whole city and became a significant economic center of Australia. I guessed what city I'm talking about? Yes, it is, this is the beautiful city of Perth.

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It was after such significant finds that restaurants, hotels, entertainment centers, who are taking tourists all over the world began to appear on urban areas. Many local residents became millionaires and invested in the development of the city as a whole. Here were theaters and galleries, concert halls and other places of this kind. Thanks to this, Perth today occupies a leading place by the number of festivals, exhibitions, conferences in the whole of Australia. The city is able to satisfy all the needs of visitors, so the number of visitors is growing every year. I am sure that the trip to Perth will like it very much, so now I will tell you a little about the features of stay in it.

Of course, the city cannot compare with the magnificence of Melbourne or Sydney, but believe me, here too, do not have to miss. I would say that Perth is distinguished by its tranquility and lack of turmoil, though the city is still quite large sizes.

So we, for example, learned in advance what period of the year it is worth visiting Australia, namely the city of Perth, because the climate here is balanced between subtropical and moderate. Therefore, summer here is roast, and the winter is rather cool, moreover, all seasons pronounce their temperature marks. We advised to come to Perth in the period of the Australian spring, autumn and summer, since in the winter there is quite cool and often there are shower.

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In general, the city is full of attractions and natural beauty, since the city itself is in the southwestern part of the mainland, and the central part of the city is on the bend of an excellent river called Swan, which means Swan in translating. The river is quite calm, so here you can make hiking romantic couples and families with children, because children love to feed the ducks and swans, which can be found in the water. But in the south-west of the city, there are surprisingly beautiful, you can even say, endless fields that simply hypnotize tourists. My city really fascinated with its natural beauty, which emphasizes and complement the sights and entertainment of the city. And in general, Australia is a unique continent who simply breathe all sorts of amazing and interesting.

The symbol of the city, and at the same time its main tourist object is a bell tower. It just looks at all as we get used to see her. This is a glass tower, with a metal housing, inside which are a wide variety of bells, some of which have a fairly large historical value. At night, the building is especially attractive, because the modern lighting system turns the tower into a multi-colored rainbow.

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The second most awesome, I consider the huge AQWA aquarium, which is not far from Perth. And though, you need to spend some time to get there, but it is definitely worth it, because there you can see thousands of marine inhabitants, many of them are unique, see how to feed sharks, and many other things. Not to mention the impressions and priceless photos. Among the tourists, a visit to the aquarium causes the biggest excitement.

In addition, visitors will be interested in visiting various museums. For example, the Western Australia Museum, a new maritime museum, or the chic city art gallery, with its magnificent collection of works.

Why do tourists choose Perth? 11507_4

By the way, parks and forests deserve a separate mention. I was particularly remembered by the amazing National Park Yanchep, as well as Kohun Koala. I am sure that you will like not only the true natural connoisseurs, but also to simple tourists, and even children.

In addition, in the city, it is necessary to get acquainted with culinary features, because in Perth, two things are preparing two things - grilled steaks and seafood dishes. The second here is just an amazing set, since the variations of the preparation of seafood are really hundreds. And the excellent location of the city off the coast of the Swan River and the coast of the Indian Ocean allows not only to tourists, but also to local residents, indulge themselves with gorgeous seafood dishes. Especially I would sing out huge juicy lobsters who are exported to Europe and the USA from Perth. A large number of institutions, not only Australian cuisine, is concentrated in the NorthBridge area. Here you can also look into the institutions offering Japanese, Chinese, American, Mexican cuisine.

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This also applies to accommodation, because due to the fact that there are always a large number of visitors in the city, there is a sufficient number of hotels and hostels, as well as guest houses. For example, in the NorthBridge area there are cheap hostels like Hay Street Backpackers or Underground backpackers. And in cheap hotels of The New Esplanade Hotel or Billabong Backpackers Resort, you can rent a room for only $ 30.

Tourists can have a great time in numerous nightclubs, treating oysters with champagne, and just enjoying hiking in the Central City Park King, in which there are unique Australian plants and flowers. Perth has also excellent art bars and clubs underground, which are called underground clubs. You can also watch the performances of the Aborigines who perform ritual dancing and play on traditional tools that entail you to their culture.

And now, about some of the shortcomings of rest in Perth, with whom I personally faced. First, it is a great risk of obtaining solar burns, therefore it is not necessary to leave the room without having a thick layer of protective cream. And secondly, despite the fact that the city is quite safe, it's not worth walking here in the evenings. Perhaps it's all, try to enjoy your holiday in this beautiful city, this virgin beauty, which is not everywhere will be able to observe.

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