Legends of Sigihiy


Sri Lanka is not in vain called a fabulous country. There are a lot of exotic animals living in brown vegetation, bright birds, curling nests in the branches of tropical plants, and in its territory there are many ancient monasteries, holy storing their legends.

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Lion rock is connected with one of these legends. This long and confusing history we told the guide during an excursion in Sygiary. It tells it that in the V century in the very center of the island at the peak of Mountain, the Palace of the Heavenly Fortress was built, in which the Tsar Datussen lived with his family. He had two sons, one from the legitimate wife, and the second from the concubine and daughter. Daughter he decided to marry his warlord. But the mother-in-law immediately disliked the daughter-in-law and very brutally appealed to her, despite the fact that she was a royal daughter. By order of Datussen, the offender was executed. The former military leader did not forgave the king of the death of the mother and severed Kashiape (illegitimate Son) to overthrow the test. After the coup, Dhatussen was unavailable into the wall of the reservoir, and the eldest son, fearing that he could also kill him, ran away to India. Kashyap, in turn, began to build an unpleasant palace on a rock, which reminded the appearance of a lion figure.

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There was a staircase between the animal paws, which served in the entrance to the palace. The building was guarded around the clock, 12 meter ditch filled with water was burned before the main entrance. On the towers for repeling the possible attack were cooked huge stone boulders. By building a reliable and well-fortified monastery, Kashypa ruled the country for long 18 years. After returning to Ceylon a legitimate heir between the brothers, a battle took place near the village of Khabaran. As a result, her victory was left behind the elder brother. He also destroyed the castle of a submerged grant, so that nothing on Earth reminded him.

To date, when visiting the lion's cliff, you can see a picturesque park with alleys, bridges and pools. The input staircase has been preserved into the building of the former palace, and only the stone paws of the lion and the gallery decorated with frescoes with the image of elegant concubines remained from the room.

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