Holidays in Sardinia: Prices


Sardinia is considered an expensive resort, but not for our tourist. Sometimes it seems to me that the habit of saving is not acquired skill, but congenital. I am directly falling into Ten Azart when I try to find products and things at the lowest price. I will say honestly - Sardinia threw me a real challenge. Not only did I receive the challenge, so I also came out the winner from this exciting adventure. I will not paint everything for a long time in the smallest details, and it is better to share with you secrets, where in Sardinia, it is best to buy products, because you can live without anything, but not without food. We will consider, the southern side of Sardinia.

South Sardinia - what, where and what?

Very profitable, buy products in supermarkets. Do not worry because they are available in all villages. The pricing policy, in supermarkets, is different and therefore I will give the following information. Remember that the cheapest supermarkets are "lidl", "Eurospin" and "Hard Discount". Slightly more expensive with more decent quality of goods, there are supermarkets such as "Super Pan", "Flamingo", "Nonna ISA" and "Iper Pan". The largest supermarkets are located in the city of Cagliari - two Auschan Supermarket and one "Carrefour".

Holidays in Sardinia: Prices 11313_1

Vegetables and fruits, especially for the children's table, buy best in supermarkets. Do you know why? Because here they undergo a strict check for pesticides.

In addition to supermarkets, there are small shops in the villages, which specialize in realization not only vegetables and fruits, and also sell meat and fish. To learn such shops, is quite simple, for this enough to look at the sign - "Frutta E Verdura" (fruits and vegetables), "Pesche" (Fish), "Carne" (meat).

What is necessary to try in Sardinia, so it is sweets, which can be used in "Pasticeria". Every day, in the early morning, they bring here the freshest sweets.

Holidays in Sardinia: Prices 11313_2

On the market, you can also buy meat and fish of good quality. One of these markets is located in the city of Cagliari, and is called - San Benedetto (San Benedetto).

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In the town of Sant Elena Quart, there is a large wholesale market that works, only once a week. Be sure to visit it, as to make purchases, most profitable, it is here.

By the way, if you do not plan a settlement in the hotel, and you want to rent an apartment or a villa, but do not want to take another car, then you will definitely ask if a supermarket is available nearby.

Since the quality of our drinking water, which runs out of the crane, leaves much to be desired, then we are accustomed to buying water in bottles. On Sardinia, you can safely drink water from under the crane and cooking on it, but it will not be superfluous if you realize for the lessor, relative to the suitability of water for drinking. Using water from under the tap, you will significantly save money, as the liter of mineral water in the supermarket is from eleven cents.

In order for you to have a fullest idea of ​​the prices in Sardinia supermarkets, I am a small list

- loaf of bread, weighing one kilogram, costs from one and a half euro;

- Little jar of yogurt, you can buy for twenty cents;

- liter of milk, costs from fifty cents;

- chicken meat, from two euros per one kilogram;

- Beef and pork, go on equal, so kilogram of such meat, costs from four to five euros;

- Packaging of spaghetti, weighing one kilogram, costs from twenty cents;

- Potatoes, as well as with us, sixty cents per one kilogram;

- cucumbers with tomatoes, will cost eighty cents per kilogram;

- Peaches and nectarines, stand from sixty cents per kilogram.

Order cost in pizzeria or in the Sardinia Restaurant

- Practically in all pizzerias, an order consisting of one pizza and juice will cost you at eight, the maximum of ten euros;

- Pizzerias in the city of Cagliari, more expensive and similar order will fall out in the amount of twelve to fifteen euros;

- Lunch in an expensive restaurant, along with wine, will cost no more than forty-euro per person;

- In Cagliari, quite a few restaurants and restaurants, but for me there is only one - the fish restaurant "Non Solo Mare". It is not in the Cagliari itself, but in his suburb. This institution, fishing cooperative. The fish here is always the fret and prepared by it the most magnificent way. Yes, this restaurant does not pretend to the title of a fashionable establishment, and here you will not see the candles on the tables, but you can enjoy a stunning view of the sea and dine under the noise of the sea surf. That I was surprised in this institution most, so this is what it is customary to pay "full dinner". Do you know what is included in it? I will say, but only you try not to fall from the chair. The first dish, consists of a portion of spaghetti or rice with fish and seafood, the second dish is striking with its diversity, because it includes acne, fried fish, mollusks, fresh vegetables with sweet share Sardi, besides all this, a large dish is served in six or seven species. Snacks from seafood. Further to choose from, you can take water or wine, and coffee or homemade. And now, attention! Do you know how much such a royal lunch is? Thirty five euros! I believe that this is the best institution, in southern Sardinia!

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- All Favorite Fast Food, got to Sardinia, so, even staying here, you can buy your favorite hot dog, which costs two euros;

In the city of Cagliari, as in most of the village of Sardinia, Prices in cafe The following

- Portion of the carbonara paste, costs from seven to eight euros;

- Soup plate, will cost an average of seven euros;

- Double paella with seafood, worth eleven euro;

- traditional duck with apples, worth thirteen euros for a portion;

- a variety of salads, independently, with meat they or with fish, stand from eight to nine euros;

- Portion of beef with mushrooms, will cost eight euros;

- One steak with any garnish for your choice will cost no more than sixteen euros.

As you can see, even at the resort, which is considered expensive, you can eat well and not feel like a person of the third grade, and for this it is not necessary to walk along the most infidel places, but it is enough just to turn on the smell.

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