Why should you visit the Kruger National Park?


Most travelers visiting these days the South African Republic attracts, above all, the richest fauna of the Black Continent. As a few hundred years ago, when white people began to appear in Africa, today tourists from all over the world in amazement and delighted at the sight of a group of huge African elephants, giraffes, as if descended from the illustrations of children's fairy tales, lions and crocodiles. All these, and many, many other animals can be found in the Kruger National Park - the oldest, most visited park of South Africa and, of course, one of the most interesting things of the parks around the world.

Why should you visit the Kruger National Park? 11306_1

The National Park is named after its founder and a person who did a lot for both the park, and to preserve the nature of his country - the former President Paul Kruger, whom the people are also constantly called the "Uncle Paul". The Kruger National Park occupies an area of ​​about 340 kilometers, so in one day, even by making safaris throughout the light day, from sunset to dawn, you can only get the most common idea of ​​the diverse and amazing world of animals of this unique place of the planet. The territory of the park is bordered by the Mozambique, and the part is located on the territory of Zimbamve. The authorities of these countries initiated the creation of the so-called cross-border park of Big Limpopo, which means that guests of the park can attend all its parts, having a visa of only one of these three African countries. So animals help people wash the boundaries between states.

Why should you visit the Kruger National Park? 11306_2

On the territory of the park you can be forever, without ceasing to admire the amazing sunsets and dawns of African savanna, seemingly fantastic and drawn elephant or tiger silhouettes for sunset. Always, of course, it will not work out for everyone, but I can say on my own experience that even five days spent in the park, it seemed to me not enough. The organization of visits to the Kruger's National Park is very reasonable. The park is divided into sixteen sections, on the boundaries of which the checkpoints are functioning, as well as tent camps, campgrounds and hotels of varying degrees of comfort, where tourists can spend the night. As for hotels, there are also respectable hotels with pools, bars, restaurants provided in the park, including currency exchange, laundries, car rental, conductors and guide services. Some sections can be attended by independently, for example, on a rented car, strictly following the rules of the park. Other sections can only be visited accompanied by a conductor. You can navigate the park exclusively in the daytime. Violation of this rule, except the threat of life, is fraught with large fines.

Why should you visit the Kruger National Park? 11306_3

Of course, the selection of the so-called "big five" - ​​lions, rhinos, elephants, buffaloes, and leopards live among tourists. During the safari on the park on the jeep, the road suddenly can overlap the elephant, or the lion, or someone else is very large. In addition to the "big five," your safari will accompany the zebras, antelopes and all-all-all inhabitants of African savanna, including rare and wonderful birds, such as beautiful pink flamingos.

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