Nature riddles


Easter Island is the greatest riddle in the Pacific Ocean. On this island there are 887 stone statues, the secret of which has not yet solved the origin of origin. There are so many hypotheses of their appearances: mystical, scientific, fantastic, that I decided to see them with my own eyes and did not regret. The millennium riddle attracts a lot of tourists.

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I want to talk about traveling features of the trip.

The plane on Easter Island is flying only 1 time per day. Stone statues are scattered evenly throughout the territory of the island, mainly on the ocean, so that at the airport it is necessary to buy entrance to the island, it costs 60 dollars.

If you want to move around the island "on wheels", you will have to rent a car for this or on foot, as no public transport here will meet. I still found a more fiscal option in the center and removed a scooter for $ 40 per day.

It is strange or not, but only 1 refueling is running on the whole island, in which only 1 type of gasoline is sold. The fact is that this is the most distant inhabitable island, all that is all imported on it. Therefore, the diversity of goods and services is small, and the cost is somewhat overestimated, compared with other tourist travel.

The city center - Hungoroo, real outstand, is nothing noticeable, even some kind of boring and even sleepy. True, you can buy several souvenirs here. I bought a wooden idol.

If you want to taste local cuisine, then the restaurant serves the ocean menu. I liked shrimps in mushroom sauce and octopus with grilled vegetables, but the bill turned out very expensive. Next, traveling, we found a supermarket where food can be bought quite profitable. For example, for $ 20, you can buy bread, 200 g sausages, 200 g of cheese, sausages, eggs and yogurt.

Hotel rooms, taking into account their limited number, too, very expensive, like everyone else.

When we were looking for Istukanov, our road was on the elevated cliffs near the ocean. Waves are so big that, it seems, in the height - 10 meters rise. The Pacific Ocean does not seem quiet on the outskirts of Easter Island.

The sculptures themselves struck me. They are located differently: some in a row, some chaotically.

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Impressed me and sizes. Sculptures are much higher and more than I have seen in the pictures. Their growth, on average, about 5 m, and some are very high, about 15 m. Tourists are strictly prohibited to touch them. I recommend going to the volcano early raraku - it is an invalid, extinct volcano, but on its slopes the largest concentration of statues on the island - about 400 stone riddles are located on its slopes.

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