Why should I go to Kondao?


Condo (or, as some call the "Condor Islands") - This archipelago of 16 mountainous islands, which in general occupy an area of ​​75 sq. Km Part of Condo is the National Park (Côn đảo National Park). Because of this status, some types of fisheries are prohibited in the waters.

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But basically, if they mention Konda, they mean the main and largest island of the archipelago (called Poul-Condor or Consson), which is located the same airport (Côn đảo Airport).

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Kondao is 185 km from Wungtau and 230 km from Ho Chi Minh City - relatively close. The island covers an area in more than 50 sq. Cm, and there are about 6,000 people here. Almost all people live in Kondao City, the main city of the archipelago, next to the airport. The city is located on the West Bank, in the central part of the island. By the way, "Poul-Condor" is translated from Vietnamese as a "secret island", but no one was not secretly stopped here from 17-18 centuries. And on this island, a prison was once built, which existed here as much as 1973 (and contained up to 8,000 prisoners).

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This island is famous, again, with its beautiful jungle, algae, mangrove forests, coral reefs, as well as unique types of lizards (and other snake-frogs, which live only on the islands, so, fonding - here urgently) and breeding On the shore of sea turtles. Oh, and digrases (something like sea cats, only the "face" they have a strange one).

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In particular, for the sake of these species of animals in the 80s of the last century, the title of "National Park" began to wear.

Consson is largely mountainous and covered with forests, so that tourists have ample opportunities for hiking along the jungle and love of wildlife. The coastline of the island is a rocky, hilly, with long wide bays, boasts several beautiful places for swimming and diving.

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Actually, for the sake of high-quality diving here and come for the most part - for the sake of more than 1000 hectares of coral reefs and more than 1,300 species of marine species living in these waters. As for the diving centers, you can contact Rainbow Divers (at the Six Senses CON DAO, www.divevietnam.com) or "Dive! Dive! Dive! " (on Nguyễn Huệ Street, www.dive-condao.com)

Here you will be offered PADI and SSI courses. Two dives will cost with learning about $ 160, snorkeling tours are worth $ 40 (including masks and las). At the same time, this dive centers will become an excellent information center for only arriving travelers.

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The best source of information about the island is the headquarters of the National Park, which is about five minutes from Kondao City, on TCI SAU Road (VO Thi Sau RD). From here you can arrange trips to other islands of the archipelago, hire a guide for an excursion and get permission to enter certain parts of the forest (after all, you can simply just shook out everywhere!). There are several hotels on the conson (three, if I'm not mistaken), everything is on Ton Duc Thang Rd Street, which is located behind the beach and the harbor of the city of Kondao City. Moreover, hotels such that do not have to complain (although it is not very cheap).

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Why should I go to Kondao? 11155_8

There is on the island and a couple of attractions, in particular, the former prison of Puh High

Condo, in general, absolutely not popular among our compatriots. But Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are happy to rest on Konda, away from the crowd of paparazzi. Yes, and in general, this star couple chatting happens in Vietnam, maybe because one of their children was adopted in Ho Chi Minh City.

Why should I go to Kondao? 11155_9

In general, if you want to relax and lie on the beach, dive with a mask or aqualung, or even meet a couple of Hollywood stars and drink with them on a cocktail - go to Condo, quiet and deserted. For example, on the aircraft from Ho Chi Minh, a simple and fast way.

Despite the extensive territories and proximity to the mainland, the island is still largely intact by mass tourism. And it's just great! True, the government is already planning to turn Conda to the "high quality tourist area by 2020," so, we have time to taste this unknown wilderness.

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