Where Sakura blooms - Uzhgorod.


If you do not have time and money for an excursion in Europe, then I recommend you to visit the center of Transcarpathia - Uzhgorod. This city is unique in that almost 20 states were part of the whole story. Uzhgorod was part of the Kievan Rus, Austria, Hungary, in possession of Italian graphs, constantly moved from hand to hand. Therefore, in it you can see the memo in different cultures. He is not at all similar to the Ukrainian city, if not the Ukrainian flags on buildings, it would be possible to think that you were somewhere in Europe. Very beautiful station.

Where Sakura blooms - Uzhgorod. 11141_1

Pleases the abundance of flowers, on the balconies, on the pillars, on the flower beds. Green and pure city. Very cozy. If I knew that there was so good, then I would come to this city before. Be prepared for the difficulties of understanding the locals. Language here is a mixture of Hungarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Slovak languages. The city is amazing with its multinationality, this is given that the population is only 100,000 people. It is said that the modern name of the city happened from the name of the river, which flows through it - too. From the north and west, the city is closed by Carpathians, so the climate is mild here, favorable for flowering fruit trees, Sakura. As a result, Uzhgorod is best attending at the end of April - May, when Sakura blooms. But for my great regret I missed this event, but nothing, in Uzhgorod, already there is something to see.

For example, Uzhgorod Castle - even the settlement of Neanderthals found there, so the ancient places.

Where Sakura blooms - Uzhgorod. 11141_2

With this castle, a legend of ghost is connected: the beauty of the chart fell in love with a Polish scout, or a participant of the uprising and showed him underground moves. Her father found out about it, killed the beloved girl, and the beauty itself inspired in the walls of the castle, since they say, her ghost every midnight goes to look for his beloved. The castle is interesting, with its architecture, the Museum of Transcarpathia, located in it. The walls of the castle reach a width of 2-2.5 meters, there are sculptures: Hercules fighting against the Hydra, Hermes - the God of Trade, Sokolu-Turul sculpture, this bird is considered a patron saint of the Hungarian tribes. The museum contains a huge collection of bronze products, a collection of musical instruments of the Transcarpathian region.

Another museum is a museum in the so-called "witch pit" (there earlier the Inquisition burned the witches), to visit I advise because of very beautiful species and nature: the museum is open-air.

Another attraction is a pedestrian bridge. It connects the old and new part of the Uzhgorod, with its transition you can make a desire, on the bridge the huge number of locks, so lovers fasten our love.

Where Sakura blooms - Uzhgorod. 11141_3

Be sure to buy fruit in Uzhgorod, but not in supermarkets, but from trays. They are fragrant, only assembled, and incredibly tasty!

There are a lot of old castles in the neighborhood of Uzhgorod, I advise you to visit the Castle of the Palanok to Mukachevo, Nevitsky Castle. But the castles in the village of Seredna and the city of Khust, unless it is interesting to visit an ancient territory, visiting there is no washed away, there are only ruins, there are no castle buildings.

Hotels are almost all the same, and at prices and comfort, the city is small, so the location of housing does not play a special role.

Where Sakura blooms - Uzhgorod. 11141_4

In restaurants and cafes are tasty. Compared to Kiev, prices in Uzhgorod are twice as lower.

Where Sakura blooms - Uzhgorod. 11141_5

Most of the entire cafe in the Corzo, the trading part of the city. Here it seemed to me that I found myself in Italy: shops, cafes on the street, banks, vintage houses.

I advise you to avoid the Gypsy Quarter, there is nothing interesting: garbage, street children, besides you can run into the "traditional" gypsy deception.

Uzhgorod - the city is peculiar and interesting, it is unlikely to eat such a unique place in its own way. This city is worth the sake of him to go on a journey.

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