What is Iceland attracting tourists?


Iceland is an island state that is located in the north of the Atlantic Ocean. In general, the country's territory is the island and several islands located next to it. The name of the state is translated as an ice island or a icy country. And the capital of the Reykjavik is the most northern capital in the world. The development of the island began in 870. Then this island settled, mainly Norwegian Vikings.

In Iceland, amazing nature, and rather a variety of its forms. Here you can see charming glaciers and majestic rocks. Also there are very beautiful and diverse values ​​of waterfalls, icebergs and lagoons, as well as valid volcanoes. Another mysterious and distant Iceland is famous for its narrow fjords, a wide coastline, mountain valleys and beautiful lakes.

But all this beauty is not given just like that. To live in this country, you need to get used to her climate, and it is not simple. The most soft weather off the coast. And in winter, strong and very cold winds and very short light day are blowing everywhere. But if it serves as a consolation, in June in Iceland, white nights are coming. Summer is the best time to visit this country, until the end of August. In Iceland, since September, hotels are closed in Iceland and reduces the number of public transport flights. In addition, the nature of this country is not very hospitable.

There are no problems with the exchange of money in Iceland. You can exchange them at the airport, hotels, banks and offices of The Change Group. Banks work from 9.15 to 16 hours from Monday to Friday. The Commission for Exchange depends on the amount and approximately 2-2.5 dollars. ATMs are in all banks, on the streets and shopping centers. All types of credit cards can be paid in Iceland. Travel checks are also accepted everywhere.

In the hotels of Iceland, there is no compulsory international classification and their owners voluntarily subdivide themselves to five categories. They are from one to five stars.

In the capital of Iceland - Reykjavik, shops operate from 9 to 18, and on Saturday to 16.

Of this country, except for wonderful photos, you can bring beautiful products from ceramics made by hand, silver things or a wonderful woolen sweater. More residents of this country are very respecting the trolls. And there are selling many of their figures and images. And, of course, a lot of magnetics are sold depicting local attractions.

In Iceland, you should try very tasty national dishes. These are dishes from all kinds of seafood - shrimp, salmon, halibut and many others. And also very tasty mutton dishes and traditional chowder. In addition, it is worth trying the so-called volcanic bread. It is baked on volcanic heat. The dessert is a very popular dairy dish "Skir" with ice cream, fruit or berries. The most common drink in Iceland is coffee. And very tasty and offered in any cafe. There is a very specific dish called Hakar. This is just a fierce shark meat.

National feature of Iceland is very expensive alcohol. And everything else stands about as in Europe.

The country is most convenient to move on a rented car. For rental need international rights. Age limit for passenger cars from 21 years, for an SUV of 25 years. It is not very cheap and better to rent a jeep. The price difference is small, and moving on it is much more convenient. On the roads of this country it is not difficult to ride, there are the same rules as in Russia.

Taxi in Iceland is also a very common means of movement. In Iceland, there are several taxi state firms and they work around the clock. Taxis can be ordered by phone, catch on the street or go to the parking lot. The fare increases by about 10 percent at night.

What is Iceland attracting tourists? 10991_1

In Iceland there are no trains, but there are good car tracks. And between cities and towns of the country, a bus message is well established.

As for the security of finding the country, you should not worry, because Iceland is one of the safe states in the world. But still minor thefts sometimes happen. Most often it happens in Reykjavik by the hands of emigrants.

But it should be remembered that in Iceland there are quite dangerous places for tourists. In the northern part of the country, avalanches and collaborations often occur. And in general, it is better to move on an unfamiliar area with caution, and that is, the risk of running into a valid volcano or get into the epicenter of the earthquake.

In general, the sights of Iceland is better viewed as part of organized excursions.

From the sights of Iceland, first of all, you can allocate Reykjavik. A sightseeing tour of this capital costs about 50 euros and it is very interesting.

Waterfall of Godfoss

This waterfall is famous for its purity and wealth of paints. Giant splash cloud can be seen long before the approach to the waterfall itself.

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The name means no other as a waterfall of the gods and it is associated with the adoption of the Iceland of Christianity in 1000. According to legend, the inhabitants, which became the martals, dropped their idols into this waterfall. The height is only 12 meters, but it is wide enough - 30 meters. It is semicircular shape and 12 streams are separated. This waterfall can not only enjoy the wonderful and fascinating spectacle, but also relax.

Blue Lagoon

This is not only a beautiful resort, but at the same time one of the famous sights of the country.

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Water in the source is very useful for health. It is noteworthy that this water beats from the cracked volcano. Mineral salts, which are contained in this water have a stunning effect, resting and relaxing. The depth of this lagoon is approximately one and a half meters and in it a constant temperature in forty degrees. A variety of spa treatments in the blue lagoon are watered by open air, and not in a special cabin. This place is specially popular among women and many procedures are carried out using special cosmetics.

In general, there are many similar places in Iceland. And this country seems to be created for fans of silence and tranquility, which everyone can gain in Iceland due to its amazing nature.

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