Why do the tourists choose thermez?


Thermez, is a real pearl of the East and the heart of Central Asia, since it is at the intersection of civilizations. During its existence, the city has repeatedly destroyed and almost completely destroyed, passed from hand to hand, but every time again and again, as if Phoenix from the ash was revived. To date, modern termez opens its hospitable oriental hugs, for all guests.

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There is a legend, according to which the city founded, the legendary king of Zoroaster, but when it was and in what year this event happened is unknown. However, the same impression, we tell us that in the fifth century BC, the residents of Bactrians, called this city "very ancient". Once in this southern city of Uzbekistan, it is impossible not to feel this magic magic of antiquity. There is a termez, on the right bank of the Amudarya River, and borders immediately with three states - Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Afghanistan, they are his neighbors and with them it connects his friendship bridge.

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Despite the fact that the city over the shoulders is an incredibly rich historical past, its population is quite modest and is only about a hundred and fifty thousand local residents. Due to the fact that the city is not overcoiling, it is pleasant here and not at all tiring. The climate in these places is continental, which means that on the summer day, the thermometer column can be overwhelmed for the mark of forty-five degrees of heat, so if you are planning a trip to the Pearl of the East, be sure to consider this climatic feature. The best time to travel to Termez is the month - April, May, October and September. The Termez go mainly for the knowledge of the new and unknown, since the attractions here are very much, but if you suddenly want to walk on shopping, you will not find usual shopping centers and supermarkets.

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Where to make purchases in the thermosis? Of course in the bazaar! Only here you can buy or just try the real Uzbek melon, which already enlightens in the sun and dope the head of the incredible aroma of sweets. Markets in Termez are real oriental bazaars. What needs to be done on the eastern bazaar? To bargain! Speaking trust, I will say that on the eastern bazaar, you can spend a whole day and get a lot of impressions, even if you buy nothing. By the way, if you decide to visit Termez with a visit in winter, then this is also quite a good time, because the winter here is soft enough and they are transported much more comfortable than ours. Still think? Do not think, but jogging suitcases - the pearl of the East, you are waiting!

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