What excursions to choose in Nikolaev?


In the Nikolaev region there is an excellent landmark that is worth visiting, especially if the journey is performed by car.

The abundance of colorful sensations, and all sorts of energy flows focused in itself the Aktov canyon. The unique landscape of these places captives not only newcomers and travelers, but also experienced wanderers. The amazing rift, located in the steppe, created by the river, is a natural miracle. And the fact that this natural ensemble is already over 60 million years old

What excursions to choose in Nikolaev? 10973_1

Very night there is a village of Aktovo Nikolaev region. Another pleasant moment in visiting this place will be almost complete privacy. If there is a vacationer nearby, it is completely far away, and they will not interfere. At that time, when we stayed in this place, there were cars on the opposite shore, and people went down to the river. But in this remoteness they were no more ant and did not interfere at all. More around there was no one, despite the summer and weekends.

It is still necessary to note that this natural landscape and the ecosystem itself as a whole, the whole complex of rocks and granite boulders, one in Europe, similar to its geological landscape signs and in considerable accuracy is similar to the world-famous canyons of North America.

In the canyon you can find amazing flowers growing straight from the stones. Many boulders, and the river, distinguished among the rocks and protrusions. This beauty is indescribable by photos. And the absence of tourists gives the place the primordial appearance, allowing nature to be searched in the literal sense of the word. Here you can find your origins and realize many things. Only natural sounds, the beauty of nature, privacy and water purify the thoughts and soul of a person.

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What excursions to choose in Nikolaev? 10973_3

If desired, you can reach the place and independently without the presence of a car. From the southern cities of Ukraine (Vinnitsa, Odessa, Nikolaev) is to get to the city of Voznesensk. And from there you can get a minibus or taxi to the Canyon itself for half an hour. The route is bad enough, so choosing personal transport, it is worth taking care of the availability of stocks and other accessories in case of small breakdowns. It is also worth stocking food and especially water on the road from the city, because there will be no shops and local vendors.

Hiking turcomers are organized here. You can spend the night in the tent and it is safe because there is no one around. You can buy a tour of both a pedestrian and weekend (on the excursion bus) in Odessa or Nikolaev.

There are several options for organized trips.

For one day, with early departure from Odessa, picnic and guide. Power will cost one person from 365 UAH. There are one-day pedestrian tours of about the same cost. For one day, you can feel yourself a traveler with a hiking backpack.

The same tour, only with departure from Nikolayev will cost about 185 UAH.

And there are options where the night is offered. A two-day hike with a nightly tent will cost 490 UAH. And a three-day hike with an initial point of more distant cities of Ukraine - in 790 UAH.

Excursions in the canyon is not organized as much, so finding and choosing the commercially comfortable tour will not be difficult.

What excursions to choose in Nikolaev? 10973_4

The nature of Ukraine is extraordinary and full of surprises, one of these is just Aktovsky Canyon.

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