Where to eat in Lviv inexpensive?


Tourist Lviv is beautiful not only with its legends and architecture, as well as their kitchen and many thematic institutions. So, we will try to figure out where it is worth eating in this beautiful city.

Where to drink delicious coffee?

The cost in all establishments is diverse, but quite acceptable. Some institutions of visitors are encouraged. Many tourists eat in one institution, coffee, chocolate eaten in another, and all sorts of drinks drink in the third. It turns out and visited everywhere, plus in thematic establishments, and everywhere delicious if they specialize.

First of all, in Lviv it is worth visiting at least one coffee shop. Establishment, where this divine drink is sold to visit, even if you are not a connoisseur of coffee, take yourself tea, cocoa or hot chocolate, taste sweets. Take the atmosphere of staying privacy over a cup of coffee, with fresh newspapers or a warm conversation. She will not leave anyone indifferent. For a special relaxation, choose small places. Coffee in Lviv love and sell everywhere, without him, the morning and the matter does not begin.

Some of Lviv coffee: "Vienna Coffee Shop", "Golden Dukat", "Under Klepsidra" ("Dziga"), "Italian courtyard", "Svit Kavi", "Zukernya", "An old tram".

Where to eat in Lviv inexpensive? 10928_1

Where is cheap and tasty to eat?

The easiest way to quickly eat a hungry tourist is hot dog. Here, as in other cities, there is a shawarma and falafel, but still, we advise you to take hot dog in the bow. Delicious, satisfying and inexpensive option for fast lunch.

We turn to establishments. First of all, to everyone who has nothing against the UPA, it is worth visiting "Kryivka". The most famous thematic institution. Entrance to a restaurant-restaurant from the square market, 14. There are no signs, and decoration in the style of wild shelter. Accordingly, as in each shelter there is a password, actually here. And if earlier, many Ukrainians, coming here, doubted whether the password is right they say, they repeated it before entering the entrance, etc., now, the whole country clearly knows the password. And if at the entrance the guard says "Glory to Ukraine!", Everyone knows that it is necessary to answer "Heroes of Glory!". Then only pass and in any way differently. It is worth understanding that this is only the topics of the establishment and nothing more, people are so having fun. Feed here very tasty, prices are a little overwhelmed, but this is the restaurant. And if they are recognized in the tourist "Moskal", then also the charm of Medovuhi is free to nap. The menu deserves special attention, it is possible to acquire it there.

The following series of institutions also have their own highlights and subjects. Each of them in its own way, so choose to your taste, define with your favorite institution.

Galician Jewish tavern "Under the Golden Rose" is decorated with all sorts of old utensils, here is served by Galician and Jewish cuisine. The menu does not indicate prices, so the waiter will have to be bargained.

Institution "Zenik. Beer with Deruna, "will gladly please the company with beer and snacks. The restaurant Zenik is furnished under the apartment of the border guard, with all sorts of memorable things. Waiters are retired colleagues. In many institutions there are the beer tower in the menu. This is a huge vessel on several liters filled with beer, with a crane for self-spill. I advise you to try. Deruna in this institution, of course, branded dish. Everyone who will like, it is also worth looking into the "Zenik. Glamor.

"House Legends" with a chipper at the entrance will take a lot of interesting things. After all, legends are all, an interesting intimate and amazing, melting in the city. Four floors of the institution are filled with legends along and across, you can clarify all the chips right on the spot. The kitchen is Ukrainian and European, especially all sorts of tinctures. And the staff of the waiters here is dwarfs.

"Lviv Mine Coffee" is a special place in which the process of coffee mining is shown. Those who wish can try to do it on their own. In the menu only sweets, alcohol and, of course, coffee. But the coffee menu is eaten by its diversity. There are also sold souvenirs, books and coffee for souvenirs.

"The restaurant-museum" Kerosene lamp "of all guests welcomes the inventor of the lamp, made in bronze. All the placement of the establishment and the museum is filled with lamps of all kinds of species, a menu with titles related to lamps. In short, come, look.

Right on the Open-air Square there is a cafe "Diana on the market", where you can sit and admire everything around and dinner at the same time.

Scandalous cafe "Masoch" for those who are 18+. His sculpture stands right in front of the institution, and putting his hand in the pocket of Leopold von Zaher Mazoha, begin to dive into the atmosphere of the institution. Go there, if you are not a short conservative and you can not only look through the keyhole, which is happening there.

In many institutions you can find a hookah. For example, in: Restaurant "Baku", Our Town, Hookah Club "1000 + 1 Night", "Pozitiff", "Rafinad People".

In the city there are a lot of institutions where they sell excellent beer. Live beer and delicious snacks to them can be found in establishments: Steak-Haouc "T.G. Amigos ", Steak House" The Grill ", Whiskey Pub" 4friends ", Mons Pius Beer Restaurant (Mons Pius), Pub" Korzo ", Stargorod's Brewer's Restaurant, Cumper, Bar Club" Fashion Club " , "CULT", Irish pub "Dublin", Prab-restaurant "Prague".

Where to eat in Lviv inexpensive? 10928_2

What are local dishes, drinks and fruits worth trying?

Borsch, Pullushki, Flas, Salo with garlic, cabbage rolls of sauerkraut and potatoes, Lviv cheese, drink medical devices, Ukrainian beer, real coffee.

Where to feed the child?

The city has McDonald's. And for lovers of this network, fast food will be joy that it is here. But nevertheless, with a huge abundance of the choice of Lviv's institutions, to go here the tourist is a real blasphemy. Even if children go, who are delighted with Poppy and can not resist and pass by, go to the workshop of chocolate.

How much do products cost in stores?

There are grocery stores in the city where you can buy everything you need. Supermarkets are located in the bedrooms, as well as immediately near the train station. The cost is not particularly different from the entire territory of Ukraine. There are many shops specializing in the sale of alcohol, they are also called "Alkarkets", but the sales time is regulated daily from 10-22.

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